ANOTHER FALSE FLAG? A Group No One Has Ever Heard Of Marches In DC…Left Calls Them “Right-Wingers”…Conservatives Ask If They’re Another False Flag?
100 Percent Fed Up – Poll numbers for “81 million votes” getters, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, are in the toilet.
Kamala’s inner circle has abandoned her faster than rats jumping from a sinking ship.
Americans no longer trust our intelligence agencies, especially after the January 6th incident where people like former Oath Keepers AZ Chapter President Ray Epps, who spent two days calling on Trump supporters to join him at the Capitol instead of at the Elipse, briefly appeared on the FBI’s Most Wanted list only to disappear once a sufficient number of primarily Trump-supporting Americans were arrested for their role in an armless “insurrection.”
Americans who were paid a king’s ransom to stay home during the Wuhan pandemic refuse to go back to work, small businesses collapse, China and Russia are on the march, fuel and food prices skyrocket, and the number of Democrat lawmakers who’ve announced their retirement before the 2022 election stands at an astounding 19, as of today. And with an Omicron variant doctor in South Africa that Democrats and Dr. Evil were hoping to pump up to crisis levels turning out to be a variant with “very, very mild symptoms”…the Deep State needs something has to happen to distract the American public.
So, tonight, a group of masked men, who no one has ever heard of, headed to Washington DC. They marched to the Lincoln Memorial and then almost as quickly as they came, they marched back to the UHaul trucks that brought them to the event.
The Left immediately made up stories about the group and their ties to “right-wing” extremists and “white supremacy.”
The only problem is…no one on the right has ever heard of these guys. Conservatives, however, seem to think they have a pretty good idea about where this new group came from.
Disclose TV reported on the group. Ryan Hunsader responded with a hilarious GIF.