Anonymous ID: b32998 Dec. 5, 2021, 2:45 p.m. No.15142232   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All Chicago Public Schools Bathrooms Now Transgender


The leftists running Chicago public schools found a way to make the bathrooms even more dangerous for children. As of December 1, all schools are required to post signage stating that anyone can use whichever restroom they please, without respect for the privacy of members of the opposite sex.


Via Fox 32:


“This is a big step forward for gender equity for our students and staff,” CPS said in a tweet.


When you hear the word “equity,” civilization is under attack.


The district’s Office of Student Protections and Title IX will also working to create a long term plan to make the signage more permanent.


Once left-wing social engineers have perfected something, we must never be allowed to turn back.


Examples of the signs to be displayed include the sentence, “All who feel comfortable are welcome to use this restroom.” Not many girls will feel comfortable about boys invading their private facilities. No matter; the comfort of normal people is irrelevant. Only those who exhibit the deviant behavior encouraged by liberals matter.


This comes in the aftermath of a 14-year-old girl being raped in a restroom in Loudoun County by a boy dressed in a skirt who exploited the inclusive equity of liberal restroom policy. Her father was arrested for complaining about it at a school board meeting. Such parents have been characterized as terrorists by the Biden Regime.


Students learn critical race theory and knife fighting in Chicago public schools, but little else. Performance on standardized tests is so dismal that educrats are discarding them. Many of the kids who graduate will require remedial instruction at the college level to learn how to read.


Rather than make even a token effort to improve the failing though outlandishly expensive schools, the Democrats who run them double down on social engineering objectives certain to make them even more chaotic.


Children should never be consigned to the clutches of these malevolent lunatics:

Anonymous ID: b32998 Dec. 5, 2021, 2:49 p.m. No.15142241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2269

Eugenics, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Clash of Two Systems


Today’s world is gripped between two possible futures: on the one hand, a multipolar alliance in defense of sovereign nation states has organized itself around a paradigm of long-term thinking, scientific optimism and win-win cooperation, while a unipolar paradigm of world government, depopulation and zero-sum thinking pushes a program of Great Resets, controlled pandemics and war.


Gaining insight into these two opposing paradigms is more important now than ever before, and one important place to start is the disturbing mind of Great Reset Architects who are today pushing society into a “Fourth Industrial Revolution” where it is believed that automation, and Artificial Intelligence will render most of humanity obsolete. As the World Economic Forum’s star philosopher Yuval Harari has repeatedly described this outlook: “Technology may disrupt human society and the very meaning of human life in numerous ways ranging from the creation of a global useless class to the rise of data colonialism and digital dictatorships”.


In the first article in this series, I reviewed the re-organization of the eugenics movement after WW2 as it followed Sir Julian Huxley’s demand that “the unthinkable be made, once again thinkable”.


In this second segment, we will leap back a little further in time to better understand what caused the rise of the perversion of science known as “eugenics” as a new scientific religion in the 19th century, before continuing with part three (From Russell to Wiener: The Rise of Cybernetics and Transhumanism).


The Closed System Assumptions of Social Darwinism


There are a few fundamental things that should be understood about the science of eugenics, otherwise known as “the science of cleansing the human gene pool of undesirable pollution” which emerged at the end of the 19th century.


This “science” grew out of the application of Darwin’s theories of natural selection and “survival of the fittest” to human society’s weeding out of the unfit and was premised on certain fundamental assumptions, not the least of which included: 1) that humanity is a system entirely shaped by material forces of environmental constraints and genetics, 2) that this system was fundamentally closed and hence entropic (subject to immutable laws of diminishing returns guided by an inevitable heat death), 3) that the creative force of genetic mutations guiding the appearance of new biological mechanisms was fundamentally random and 4) that this randomness could only be overcome by the rise of a new era of social engineers managing humanity on all levels-economic, psychological, cultural and even genetic.


Imagining the future age when the science of eugenics would replace world religions, the school’s founder Sir Francis Galton (cousin to Charles Darwin) mused in 1905: “It is easy to let the imagination run wild on the supposition of a whole-hearted acceptance of eugenics as a national religion”.


The Late 19th Century: A Clash of Two Systems


The paradigm shifting breakthroughs made in science and statecraft by the end of the 19th century resulted in a new petro-chemical/electronic age. New discoveries in atomic physics made by Beckerel, Roentgen, Curie, Rutherford, Planck and Einstein were additionally changing humanity’s idea of space, time, energy and matter. The practical application of these discoveries in the form of scientific and technological progress at the service of humanity was quickly destroying the foundations of Thomas Malthus’s supposed “laws of population” which assumed that human invention could never outpace nature’s limits always requiring a “scientific priesthood” to control population growth from above the control of nations.


Despite the fact that a genuine hope for a new age of discovery and progress was becoming realized, something darker was at play.


It was at this time that leading forces representing the British Empire were busy trying to resolve an existential challenge: National Sovereignty had proven itself much stronger than anticipated by the financier oligarchy centered in London and something new was emerging that could possibly undermine systems of Hobbesian “zero-sum” geopolitics forever.



Anonymous ID: b32998 Dec. 5, 2021, 2:51 p.m. No.15142256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To Deny the "Lab Leak" COVID Theory, the NYT and WPost Use Dubious and Conflicted Sources


A bizarre and abrupt reversal by scientists regarding COVID's origins, along with clear conflicts of interest, create serious doubts about their integrity. Yet major news outlets keep relying on them.


That COVID-19 infected humanity due to a zoonotic leap from a "wet market” in Wuhan — rather than a leak from a lab in the same Chinese city — was declared unquestionable truth at the start of the pandemic. For a full year, anyone dissenting from this narrative was deemed so irresponsible that they were banned from large social media platforms, accused of spreading "disinformation.” No debate about COVID's origins was permitted. It had been settled by The Science™. Every rational person who believed in science, by definition, immediately accepted at the start of the pandemic that COVID made a natural leap from bats or pangolins; that it may have escaped from a lab in Wuhan which just so happens to gather, study and manipulate novel coronaviruses in bats was officially declared a deranged conspiracy theory.


The reason this consensus was so quickly consecrated was that a group of more than two dozen scientists published a letter in the prestigious science journal Lancet in February, 2020 — while very little was known about SARS-CoV-2 — didactically declaring “that this coronavirus originated in wildlife.” The possibility that COVID leaked from the Wuhan lab was dismissed as a "conspiracy theory,” the by-product of “rumours and misinformation” which, they strongly implied, was an unfair and possibly racist attack on “the science and health professionals of China.”



Anonymous ID: b32998 Dec. 5, 2021, 2:52 p.m. No.15142258   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Children offered secret ride to vaccination clinic


Canadian vaccine advocates have sparked online controversy and reportedly faced threats, after offering to give teens whose parents are against inoculation for Covid-19 a ride to a vaccination site.


The row began on Friday, after a Saskatchewan community organizer named Julian Wotherspoon posted a Twitter message offering to assist any 13- to 17-year-olds who wanted to get vaccinated despite opposition from their parents. “I’m your ride to the clinic,” she said. “If anyone asks, I’m taking you and my kids to a movie. Let’s do this.”


According to the Saskatchewan Health Authority, children aged 13 and older “who are able to understand the benefits and possible reactions” of a vaccine do not need a parent’s permission to be jabbed. Equally, teens can refuse immunization by giving “mature minor” consent to their health provider.


The authorities recommend families discuss the issue together with their children before they make the decision, however.


Wotherspoon’s tweet caused quite a stir online, eliciting both praise and outrage. She has since made her account private.


Another proponent of children’s vaccination, self-described “mommy blogger” Tenille Lafontaine, also of Saskatchewan, called Wotherspoon’s offer “amazing.” She added, “I’ve heard of a few teens getting the vaccine on their own because their parents are insane in the membrane. The kids are gonna be alright. Side note: I’m available to drive anytime.”


Other commenters pushed back, telling the two women to “stay away from other people’s children.” Some went as far as to liken their secret transport offer to kidnapping.