Anonymous ID: c8cda3 Dec. 5, 2021, 4:31 p.m. No.15142672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2889

If Anon’s prayers aren’t being answered, it’s not because God doesn’t think God should or that Anon is unworthy, it always only means Anon is not having faith. Anon is looking for it and not seeing it or not knowing HOW it will happen but Anon isn’t rejoicing in God’s glory knowing when Anon has faith then it is as good as done.

WHATEVERye ask for.” (God has no limits.)


“Seek ye first the kingdom of God

And His righteousness;

And all these things shall be added unto you.

Hallelu, Hallelujah!


Ask, and it shall be given unto you;

Seek, and you shall find.

Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Hallelu, Hallelujah!


Man shall not live by bread alone,

But by every word

That proceeds out from the mouth of God.

Hallelu, Hallelujah!“


(You) are loved. EXPECT GOOD THINGS TO HAPPEN to (You).

Anonymous ID: c8cda3 Dec. 5, 2021, 5:06 p.m. No.15142889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2960

>>15142672 (me)

FAITH ALWAYS FEELS GOOD. Fear ALWAYS feels bad. THAT is your navigational system. You think God would drop you off in darkness so you could go forth as lights, walking by faith and not by sight, WITHOUT a compass or GPS?


“God will answer my prayer,” feels good. “God won’t answer, I’m fucked..” feels bad.

God is a God of Love. The devul is a sadist. God rewards and the devul punishes. Let God in. Feel happy BEFORE the prayer is answered. Celebrate God’s Glory. Don’t be afraid to trust. Use your navigational system. It work so bia resonance. (“This thing I want is impossible” FEELS BAD. THAT IS GUIDANCE. That is God’s compass telling you that it feels bad because you are in fear or doubt. It’s sayint to please make a legal U-turn and proceed to the highlighted route. (I CAN have it because it’s in my heart to want it. And if I DOUBT it, it FEELS BAD.) What if you COULD have it? THAT feels better because now you’re back on track and having faith. And only YOU know how YOU feel and what God is telling you. Everyone else has their own compass they need to tend to.Only you know what you feel. (That’s His Flock hearing His voice. Some listen while others don’t and they wander around lost.) FAITH FEELS GOODALWAYSNO MATTER WHAT YOUR PRAYER IS. If you can doubt it then it means God answered and YOU ARE BLOCKING IT via doubt. If it wasn’t already answered, you wouldn’t be able to feel bad when you doubt. It’s God’s LAW. It’s God’s guidance system inside you. So get happy, faggot reading this. Let go and let God. If you’re scared to rejoice before it’s answered, just in case it doesn’t happen, then you’re still in fear and you can’t trick God. Kek. God won’t move until you do your part. That vulnerability allows God to move. Use your Divine Navigational System. God’s resonance feels good. Fear doesn’t. SoOoOo easy, a child can do it.