Damn I’m posting this anonspost for more eyesand recognition of how far and wide the memes go and how Anons are everywhere. TY anon for posting this,NOW I’d like to see the meme that started this!
▶Anonymous 12/05/21 (Sun) 19:53:14 87fd71 (11) No.15142801 >>15142903 >>15142913
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Last night I was hanging by a fire with a bunch of normies.
I have since shut my mouth around them about any of this as I am in deep brainwashed territory. Karens abound.
These are good people I was hanging with, parents and biz owners in the community.
One, who owns a martial arts academy, was talking about how, you have to enter the building with a mask, but once you're on your little square, you can take it off. Here, to find a way to comply while still bending the rules a tad will get you out of a karen lashing. People would legit loose their business if they didn't comply with some kind of Covid protocol.
There is this weird sense that as long as you comply as best you can, its cool. Most still walk on eggshells wondering where that line actually is and at the same time are obviously over this whole bull shit and want to move on with their lives. They are the fence sitters. They are the majority despite the divide and conquer script playing out on all the screens, and it seems like the fence they sit on is close to splintering.
The martial Arts academy guy then started to talk about how they're going to start to put restaurant tables in the squares so we can take our masks off without anyone tripping.
Another chimed in like: "Yah, I have this one friend who says we should put restaurant tables in the schools so they dont have to wear masks!" And another friend said, "i've heard that before, who was saying that…?"
And still I said nothing. I just grinned big and in my head shouted out "God Bless the Meme Makers!!"