Regardless of whether or not the vaccines are unnecessary and useless regarding the virus, or even harmful for many, they are the most uniform and concerted psychological weapon ever devised to control human behaviour.
For the New World Order we needed a much deeper and lasting compliance. When the overwhelming majority of the people yield in allowing you to inject into them, a substance which any free and thinking person like yourself would reject and object to, not even knowing what the substances are, but trusting their governments and our media networks, then that is most certainly the most important victory our structure could every hope for.
The psychology is very simple, and I am surprised you missed it for so long. If our governments are successful in inducing or forcing "everyone" to be vaccinated, it matters not what is in the vaccines.
What matters is the sense of conformity, submission, and "equality" which is established, generating a sense of "equality" and trust which is to most people absolutely personal and internal, for what they allow into their bodies, like sex or religious rituals, is very much associated with their minds, and their beliefs which in any case they will already have surrendered, either willingly, or through the force you now see being exercised by various governments around the world.