not notable not approved. clinical trial shit. This is the kind of fake and ghey shit that ends up on Telegram and other places. Even x22 Dave parroted the 1300 deaths with 42,000 people in pfizer docs. When it was 1300 on 42k adverse events. Facts matter. _Pfizer is still murderous cunts but all the bad info here ends up in the wild so dont be faggot.
I think Jussie meant he was in Mans Country. Not maga. kek
President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same Gay bathhouse in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city.
The bath house, Man’s country, caters to older white men and has been in business for some 30 years, and is known as one of uptown Chicago’s “ Grand old bathhouses” WMR was told by sources who are familiar with the bathhouse that it provides one-year “lifetime” memberships to paying customers and that the clubs computerised files and pre-computer paper files, include membership information for both Obama and Emanuel.
Poso has a copy. Since a bunch of anons suck his dick, maybe they can ask in between gobbles.