Olé Barry was bobbing for testicles at the "Man Country" bathhouse in Chicago for many years with black men that have since died.
Olé Barry was bobbing for testicles at the "Man Country" bathhouse in Chicago for many years with black men that have since died.
Avoid all contact with black people because the vaccines are going to affect them first neurologically and the results will be similar to the Walking Dead TV show.
African people have the lowest IQ along with Aboriginal people on the planet and blacks are on a good day borderline retarded….
There is pictures of Barry and Ralm Emanuel at the Man Country bathhouse..
Nigga, not in America and Europe.
The story about President Barack Obama's bi-sexual past will not go away. Now, in an exclusive interview with The Globe, Norma Jean Young, the 76-year old mother of the late Trinity United Church of Christ choir director Donald Young, has spoken out and declared that persons trying to protect Obama murdered her son at the height of the 2007 Democratic presidential primary to protect Obama …
Obola and Ralm Emanuel inside the Man Country bathhouse…
Try that in America and people will start killing government officials with impunity.
The demon
The biggest media nigga of them all is Matt Drudge…. Jewish link master.
Obama's 60 million dollar book deal is a big story the media keeps quiet and Trump tweeted about it before he was banned from Twitter.
The publisher that got the 350 million government contract to publish the CommonCore materials for the public schools is the publisher that gave Obama 60 million to write a book that most have never seen or read.
Book deals is how the Deep State launders money just ask Amy Coney Barrett.
I haven't watched Fox News for over a year and I don't miss anything about Fox.