I watched tucker, hannity, and Ingram tonight. All three were pretty good, their pushing back, maybe not as hard as I FEEL they could, but their the only ones doing it. THAT said, they kept showing 'the view' clip of clapper saying they embedded the spy/mole for Trumps own good. Basically saying it was to weed out Russians, which is complete BS. That said, NONE OF THEM mentioned Obummer speaking in the rose garden stating that Russian election meddling was laughable. SO, which was it OBummer(!!)? You knew (had to know) the spy was in place, yet you stated any would be meddling was laughable. Why are none of them bringing this up? Fox news is the only MSM network pushing back, but I feel like their only pushing back enough to keep viewers. They want all this to drag on so they have something to report. Just like the other MSMs echoing much Russia constantly. I know I'm tired of this BS.