>I feel like I want to purge my belongings and become a minimalist and pick up and move.
Anon just moved to Brazil last week with hand luggage only. Possessions are anchors.
>I feel like I want to purge my belongings and become a minimalist and pick up and move.
Anon just moved to Brazil last week with hand luggage only. Possessions are anchors.
Before anon moved anon cleared mother's 3 storey house, which she was forced to sell, of more than 30 years of accumulated crap, and she still refused to let go of so much.
Anon filled 10 18 yard skips.
What a surprise that the one pushing fear porn posts a jew meme when attacked.
>ho lee fuk! 180 cubic yards from one 3 story house
There was also a large barn and cellar.
Both she and her her husband were chronic hoarders.
So much was also sold or given away that probably equalled that which was thrown away, not to mention all that was burnt as well.
The timeframe on the move was very short - sell or be repossessed - that much which could have been sold was either burnt or thrown away.
As anon was the one doing the clearing alone, anon did not have much opportunity to sell that which was saleable.
>I suspect that patriots in the British Military took control then.
The problem with that is that the British Military swear allegiance to Elizardbreath.
Anon suspects another way was found.
Anon hasn't watched TV in 30 years, but knows of what you speak.
I doubt they have seen the like.
>Have any idea on what that other way could have been?
Anon can only speculate that the intelligence agencies were brought to heel.
Although their very name -MI5, MI6, etc, anon suggests they were also militarym but anon cannot confirm as MI6 is aka Secret Intelligence Service.
Beyond this, anon can't even begin to speculate.
Anon recalls an early Q drop hinting at this.
>She has an interrupted, illegitimate bloodline.
Dubs confirm, but Britbongfag already knew this and there is suggestion that genuine heir has Australian connections.
However, that suggestion was promulgated by the bearer of an OBE, so the truth probably lies elsewhere.
>Too many damn Baldwin's kek
What is the collective noun for Baldwins?
A basket case of Baldwins?