>>15149344 pb
pasteur's main talent was taking credit for the work of others and shamelessly promoting himself, like edison.
pasteurization was invented by a french pastry chef named Apfel.
>>15149344 pb
pasteur's main talent was taking credit for the work of others and shamelessly promoting himself, like edison.
pasteurization was invented by a french pastry chef named Apfel.
>enabling the phone to unlock itself when it “sees” the user’s face, lock it when they glance away,
what a breakthrough. how long do we have to wait until it can eat and shit for us?
>what do you think the plaque is made of that causes alzheimers???
fumunda cheeze. check the folds of your pussy flaps… mebee you got some, too.
you so STOOPID. you go digging for an article to "prove" i'm wrong and you're smarter than me, and what you ACTUALLY did was dig up the proof that YOUR asinine "theory" about alzheimers being a vascular problem is pure weapons-grade baloneyium. too bad you didn't actually READ the journal article you worked so hard to find, or you'd realize YOU were the one full of shit. if i had pulled up this article to dispute your idiotic assertion, would you have believed it, or would you have dismissed it as "fake" science? but now that YOU'VE used it as YOUR sauce, you can hardly dispute what it says without contradicting your precious proof that i'm wrong. such a fuckwit, SO easily manipulated.