is that why those tests came up positive on a paw paw fruit. You are a retard.
and you are a dumb bitch who is shilling and should slice your wrists open. KEK
They have never isolated the virus, they have used those pcr tests on FRUIT and it has come up positive. You should kill yourself for being such a fucking dumb waste of carbon.
oh no you said it was a conspiracy. you win. The only thing people are laughing at is how stupid you are. We are going to laugh also when you are executed.
Not just you but your family. Your mother, your father. Cry more red text nigger.
Look you are freaking out. Come on coward slice your wrists open. Cut down stream you have nothing left except red text.
they have even said the tests are super sensitive if i recall which is why they register false positives, shills try to say shit but they forget anons are smarter then they will ever be. All they have left is screaming in red text and suicide weekend for themselves.
come on suicide weekend can be any day you choose shill. Come on you know you want to cut yourself.
they got chewed out by their boss pretty bad they were told if they did not shill harder their families would be executed and they would get the hose again.
that is a subtle funny meme. Bravo.
like we care if people are laughing at us. It is a very sad low energy tactic. Can't wait for suicide weekend i try to encourage them that they can do it at any time why wait.