No I do not want an internet bill of rights so fuck off.
This is not Q's IBOR
This is an abortion created by some high school kid who has never had to work a day in his life.
You already have rights
They apply everywhere
The Supreme Court already ruled in 1946 that those rights CANNOT be taken away on private property
Google, Facebook and Twitter are in viloation of the Constitution
You can sue them today.
But even better is to join a class action suit against them.
Talk to a lawyer who does class actions because they are violating your rights EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT SIGNED UP TO USE THEIR SERVICES.
When you speak on the Internet, and Twitter blocks one of your readers from retweeting your words, they violate the rights of the Twitter user
Potentially the class could be all citizens of the USA
Illegals don't count.
The petition is going nowhere because it is a pile of horseshit.
It's that simple.
The shills created that ridiculous flawed petition TO DIVIDE US and it is NOT gonna work.