I am so tired of all the lies and bullshit.
Cancer is a virus that cannot be cured; Herpes is a virus that cannot be cured; HIV/AIDS is a virus that cannot be cured, but they want us to believe they can cure the common cold virus…
I am so tired of all the lies and bullshit.
Cancer is a virus that cannot be cured; Herpes is a virus that cannot be cured; HIV/AIDS is a virus that cannot be cured, but they want us to believe they can cure the common cold virus…
>Gargle with Listerine
NO!! Stop using their poisons!
Gargle with pure salt or food grade hydrogen peroxide reduced to 3%, brush your teeth and gums with baking soda! Use only pure salt, the FG HP at3% and even baking soda as a sinus rinse as well.
Have you tried the homemade HCQ recipe with lemon and grapefruit rind? I used it for about 36 hours last week and I can fully attest my smoker lungs cleared with in the first 24…tag this if you need the recipe.
oh ya? Since you only need 1 tbsp every two hours, I hope you are not sipping it like a drink! kek
Shrug…I took it straight, never thought of diluting it…don't know if it changes the potency, I would have to think it would but have no basis to declare that…do what you need to do, anon, to get better.