might wanna get off the fake Q page for that then
US MIL…don't think for one second the war is over….I haven't even started yet…YOU had your run of 5 years…………(clears throat)
YOU ain't JACK SHIT but another group of morons thinking the chain of command, or COC for you dumbfucks out their with no clue, is legit in regards to 'freedom' "Top Secret" is another motherfucking one. I will destroy you ALL in the end…better come get my ass…I know too much.
like fucking with my species because "they make you strong and pay for the children you conceive in other countries while "bringing them freedom?" Shiiiiit…..you need to get back to the roots you ignorant motherfuckers
YOU came from HERE, WHERE I AM, BEFORE THEY taught YOU how to be STUPID…….fuck around and find out…..you dumb shits have no idea just how bad they failed at demolishing intelligence and imagination.
YOUR LIES tell people like me MORE than the truth ever would. Hows that disease faring? Your sex ring all pissed about it and expecting reparations? You have no fucking clue do ya?
YOU CHOSE your life…..not us
see 'WE' simply lived under YOUR ignoraqnce long enough for YOU to fucking realize YOUR ignorance…..and there will be no apologies…NONEW!…..YOU knew what the fuck YOU were doing….I will spend my life hunting you and yours…PROMISE
9's say a lot don't they fuckers?
not even trying. but go right ahead and think I am you logicless POS's
no one here knows who the fuck "Levin" is nigger….
BYE…..go find another tab to jerk off on…..
if you have no clue how to deal with that yourself when the time comes, I would suggest you stop sharing what the fuck YOU do not understand. :)
don't think for one second the 'gang of 8' is off the hook……..
i could figure out what YOU all thought of 10000 years ago with enough time and exposure to the ignorance YOU portray……
Go right ahead…blame me for figuring out what YOU couldn't in a million years.
Be fucking glad I am on the side of 'light'
sure I have. But I LOVE drawing out motherfuckers like you….can't help meself. Thing is, I am one of the reasons this site was even fucking created, and I AM gonna pay back ALL involved while I am alive till the time I die. The sole fact I KNOW I am not anonymous should scare your little ass into understanding I am doing NOTHING but what motherfuckers like YOU did to me ALL the while I was growing…..
NO…YOU have NO excuse…..I suggest you STOP FEEDING SHILLS motherfucker!
the brain of the individual…NOT THE EYES…determines the light spectrum…..you must fell so alone
kekkle. Ya..
The difference between me and them is I PRAY THEY DO NOT GO TO JAIL because I am not a fucking pussy like everyone else relying on a fake fucking invisible man in the sky to guide my fucking morals of right and wrong. But ya….hahaha :)