Anonymous ID: e26637 Dec. 8, 2021, 5:13 p.m. No.15161112   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Omicron significantly reduces COVID antibodies generated by Pfizer vaccine, study finds


☝️☝️😜😆🤣😂 KMFAO!


The headline suggests to the ignorant sheep that the new OmniCon variant knows how to reduce antibodies generated by the vaccine.



The world has been waiting for these neutralising studies to gauge how pre-existing immunity from both vaccination and prior infection will hold up against omicron.

The new study is the first to show how omicron compares to previous variants, such as beta and delta, on a level playing field and the preliminary data shows antibodies in blood samples are 41 times less effective for omicron than for the 2020 strain.



But check this out. When you click on reactions/comments, you get this shit:


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