Anonymous ID: e1126f Dec. 8, 2021, 6:57 p.m. No.15161810   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jovan Pulitzer Releases Video Describing 300,000 14th Amendment Violations in Maricopa County, Arizona


We’ve reported on the nearly 700,000 ballots in Maricopa County with issues that were identified from the Maricopa County audit and estimated from canvassing efforts outside of the audit.


Jovan Pulitzer provides a video where he discusses 300,000 ballot issues identified in the Maricopa County audit. He points out the way in which ballots were adjudicated. He also presents for the first time the exact way the 2020 general election in Maricopa County, AZ violated an unforgivable amount of its voters in the election. Moreover, the majority were minorities!

Anonymous ID: e1126f Dec. 8, 2021, 6:58 p.m. No.15161818   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukrainian Soldiers Dismiss Russia Invasion Threat: ‘There Are a Lot of Lies’


Ukrainian soldiers stationed along Ukraine’s border with Russia in the eastern Donbas region told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) on Tuesday they “don’t believe a [Russian] invasion is coming” to the region as speculated by Western media in recent weeks.


The U.S. government-funded RFE/RL published a handful of interviews with four border soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on December 7 that “downplay recent warnings from Kyiv and Western intelligence agencies that Moscow may be planning a major new offensive.”


“[M]ost soldiers don’t believe an invasion is coming,” a female Ukrainian soldier named Iryna told the broadcaster.


“The front line doesn’t feel any different now than before,” she said.


“Another reason they [Ukrainian soldiers] don’t buy these rumors is because there are a lot of lies in our country,” Iryna revealed.


“Everyone in powerful positions lies. Our president promised to end the war within a week of coming to power. Now, two years on, here we are,” she assessed.


Iryna referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, elected to the nation’s highest office in May 2019 amid an ongoing war between the Ukrainian Armed Forces and pro-Russian Ukrainian separatists in Donbas. The Donbas dispute began in March 2014 and is part of a greater Kyiv-Moscow conflict that includes Russia’s colonization of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula in 2014.


“I personally don’t believe in the danger of some great invasion,” Ukrainian soldier Timur told RFE/RL on December 7.


“I think it’s just game-playing. It was the same situation in April and May this year,” he recalled. “There were all these rumors of a possible attack.”


Moscow instigated media speculation that Russia might attack Ukraine in April and May to “ensure completion of its Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline,” Timur opined.


“This time, it’s probably just [Russian President Vladimir] Putin trying to exert pressure again,” he postulated.


“From what I’ve heard, the Kremlin is trying to get a guarantee that NATO will not spread to Ukraine and other countries of the Eastern Partnership, like Georgia and Moldova,” the 28-year-old said.


Another Ukrainian border soldier named Vlad told RFE/RL he doubted that Russia’s military was planning an invasion of Ukraine in the near future because of the relatively small number of troops they have stationed near Donbas in recent weeks.


“The Russian Army isn’t prepared for war,” he stated. “They haven’t got field hospitals or fuel tankers ready, and they don’t have many soldiers or vehicles prepared.”


“They would need 300,000 to 400,000 troops to attack; now they have just 100,000 massed,” Vlad revealed.

Anonymous ID: e1126f Dec. 8, 2021, 6:59 p.m. No.15161826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1837 >>1862 >>2058 >>2079

Gavin Newsom: California to Become Abortion ‘Sanctuary’ if Roe Overturned


California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) said his state will become an abortion “sanctuary” if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that created a right to abortion.


“We’ll be a sanctuary,” Newsom said last week, according to the Associated Press (AP). “We are looking at ways to support the inevitability and looking at ways to expand our protections.”


The California Future of Abortion Council (CA FAB), composed of over 40 abortion industry and advocacy groups, has released a report containing a list of 45 recommendations for the state legislature to consider if the Court overturns Roe, including a way to pay for travel, accommodations, and the procedure itself for women coming into California from other states that might ban abortion.


The Council, led by a steering committee that includes Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and the office of State Sen. Toni G. Atkins, California Senate President pro Tempore, developed its “blueprint” to help “other state legislatures looking to protect and expand access to abortion,” a statement at Planned Parenthood said.


The report states:


It is imperative that California take the lead, live up to its proclamation as a “Reproductive Freedom State,” and be ready to serve anyone who seeks abortion services in the state. We are releasing the following Recommendations to Protect, Strengthen, and Expand Abortion Services in California – a list of legislative, executive, and administrative actions for state policymakers to implement in order to meet the needs of people seeking abortions.


According to the Guttmacher Institute, which supports abortion rights, 26 states “are certain or likely to ban abortion” if the Supreme Court overturns Roe, with the number of women and girls seeking abortions in California anticipated to grow from 46,000 to 1.4 million, depending on the nature of the abortion bans in their states of residence.


“When I ran clinic services for a women’s health center, I saw countless individuals who needed information, services, and support,” Atkins said in the Planned Parenthood statement, adding:


Working with the [CA] FAB Council, my colleagues and I will ensure Californians and people from every state can get the reproductive health services they need in a safe and timely way—and that all our rights remain enshrined in law. This is crunch time, but we will not be dragged into the past. California will keep leading for the future.

Anonymous ID: e1126f Dec. 8, 2021, 7 p.m. No.15161831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1848 >>1861 >>1991

“You’re Really About to Destroy Yourselves…You Just Don’t Know the Grave You’re Digging for Yourselves” – Jessica Laurent on Georgia Suitcase Scandal and Lawsuit Against Gateway Pundit


Jessica Laurent, who had a difficult upbringing in the ghetto and is now a successful conservative activist and radio host, shared her thoughts and concerns for the two women in Georgia who are suing The Gateway Pundit with the urging and assistance of far-left money and support.


Jessica Laurent was on with Joe Hoft on RealTalk93.3 on Tuesday afternoon. They discussed the much discussed “suitcase scandal” that occurred on Election night 2020 in Georgia where hidden ballots in suitcases were pulled out from under tables by election workers after kicking observers out of the room and then fed into tabulators, some multiple times.


This event was first reported by Rudy Giuliani during his presentation on the 2020 election in Georgia before the Georgia legislature. The Gateway Pundit later identified three of the operatives including two women who were involved in the late night scandal These two individuals are now suing The Gateway Pundit.


After explaining the situation to Jessica Laurent, she shared:



First of all, they [Democrats] want to create an issue. They create an issue around election time and then they’re look, we’re here to save you from that – the problem that we created. We created the problem. We gonna give you the solution as long as you vote for us. But then all of the sudden when it’s not election time, they don’t care.


When Joe shared that the media is already making this lawsuit a black issue, Jessica shared:


It could have been Betty White pulling them suitcases from under that. It don’t matter… You report the news. You report what you see. They’re not used to that and they don’t like it. They don’t like that.


This is another, like you said, trying to make it a black, white [issue]. All this. You’re a white supremicist [per the media]. You’re trying to attack these hard working black people who are just simply trying to be here to vote…


… You’re lives [the individuals suing TGP] were already turned upside down… You’re working a poll. Ok, you volunteered to work at a poll. Come on. You ain’t sitting on no millions of dollars over there. Stop playing.


So you’re [the individuals suing TGP] really about to destroy yourselves. There’s too much information out now. But you don’t know that. You let these people use you as a pawn. They’re using these two women as a pawn. And when you’re [the two women] done, all washed up, you not going to have nothing left and they not going to care…


…You ain’t nothing but a pawn, like the whole black community is to the Democrats anyways. And Ruby and Shae, they are so oblivous they don’t see the information. They don’t see the information that they have. To see that you really don’t have a shot. You don’t have a chance. You don’t know that there’s mounds of evidence. You just don’t know the grave that you’re digging for yourself. So now you going to embarrass yourself and when you lose you’re going to say, ‘Oh, look see. This is proof that America is racist.’

Anonymous ID: e1126f Dec. 8, 2021, 7:28 p.m. No.15161989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘The Republican Party is Disgusting to Me” – Project Veritas Exposes Liberal GRIFTER Posing As “Republican” Candidate For U.S. Congress


After receiving a tip from The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson, Project Veritas got to work on exposing grifter, Alex Stovall for who he really is.


Stovall is running for U.S. Congress in Arizona’s District 9. With no political experience, Stovall believes he can win this race because he is young, black and he acts like a conservative.


Stovall told Conradson earlier this year that his previous job was with Consumer Cellular, where he answered phone calls but he was fired due to “discrimination”.


At a Scottsdale restaurant, Stovall also told Conradson that he didn’t like how people were looking at him and that black people “don’t belong” in Scottsdale, Arizona.


It was clear that Stovall held liberal views on race, despite how he presented himself.


It is believed he has used campaign funds to travel around the country seeking endorsements and photo ops with prominent politicians. He once told Conradson that he was using campaign funds to buy suits and other fancy items.


Stovall’s campaign does not appear to be a real campaign but another money front. It is unclear how he is currently living with no job, but he made it clear to that he intended to take a salary, after learning that Congressional candidates receive millions of dollars each election cycle.


When people began to donate more money to his campaign, Stovall asked Conradson, who was a Realtor at the time, to find him a house to buy in his district. This told Conradson more about Stovall’s motives.


Project Veritas whistleblowers did some undercover research and discovered that his campaign is in fact based on lies.