Anonymous ID: a6edf8 Dec. 8, 2021, 9:27 p.m. No.15162570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2578 >>2580 >>2583 >>2597







How is it that the world is what it is today?

Wouldn't it make sense that generations of hiding behind religion, that the satanic bloodline cult already has a 'threat of death' control over the Jewish people?

Why aren't there more Dr. Zelenkos?

Could it be that so many were killed over the years that jews as an almost unconscious default don't even know why, they 'stick together' and don't rat on each other no matter how evil some of them are?

Wouldn't it be so easy to 'perceive' the silence and looking the other way as tantamount to active participation?

There are 17 million Jews worldwide.

How many of them have been positively ID'd by the 'JQ' anons on this board in 4 years?

What percent?

Add up the ENTIRE group of 'evil Jews' identified.

How many do you really think you have accumulated after all your 'serious' research?

Let's say you have positively ID'd a VERY VERY generous 100. That's way more than what has been posted here.

But fuck it, I'll even make shit up and say you have ID'd a ridiculously exaggerated 10,000.

No wait, I'll even make this MORE ridiculous.

Make it 100,000 INDIVIDUALS by NAME and PROOF of their crimes, here on this board.

Now remember the real number is definitely less than 1000, but I'm just being very generous to prove this basic point:

EVEN IFthere are 100,000 individuals positively identified as evil with proof, who are Jews, you STILL have a reality of 16.9 MILLION jews, or 99.4% of the Jews being good ACCORDING TO YOUR 4 YEAR LONG 24/7/365 'JQ' research worldwide.

Now I don't know about any other anon, but if you want to condemn 16.9 MILLION people for what 0.4% of them did, then holy SHIT are you ever fucked in the head, top tier schizo level psychotic mental disorder fucked up.

The overwhelming majority of Jews, AND EVERY OTHER 'tribe' WORLDWIDE, are GOOD.

The reason there are 'JQ' anons even posting here is because the satanic cult NEEDS people to 'feel' anger and hostility at SOMEONE, so that the world doesn't put all that on the cult who controlled the narrative.

Up to 2016 that is.

See, the problem with the 'division' code is that it is so fucking obvious WHO BENEFITS.

Does mossad benefit when normies attack 'Qanon' because they're 'trained' to associate it with Hitler, WW2, fascists, nazis, 'hate', 'racism', etc?

WHO BENEFITS THE MOST when a brainwashed world is trained to 'link' the image of 'the worst dictator ever' hate with the Q movement?

Do you honestly believe truly awakened anons don't see what is going on here?

I know.

I know EXACTLY why there is a constant stream of 'view Jews as the source of evil' on this board and all boards that aren't FULLY controlled by the [controllers].

It's to distract from the actual source of a global evil on Earth

It's only a matter of time.

Remember the promise of a 'flood'?

Remember a 'stage' needing to be set?

Remember when the true POTUS would have ZERO risk of impeachment and would be 100% insulated?

Can't attack a 'shadow' Presidency can you?

Anonymous ID: a6edf8 Dec. 8, 2021, 9:28 p.m. No.15162573   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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