Anonymous ID: 58e009 May 23, 2018, 5:43 a.m. No.1516544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6549 >>6574


Some anons here bristle at the mere hint of something that has "new age" aspects that might not align with their upbringing. Some of what Q has said could also be categorized that way too. I happen to believe in reincarnation…am I a shill? Do these anons possess complete and total knowledge of the universe so that they can unilaterally reject anything that doesn't fall into the binary New Testament heaven/hell paradigm?


My parents were devout Baptists. Good people, but to them everything they didn't understand was "from satan". Mediation, yoga, horoscopes, eastern religions, any kind of consciousness that deviated from their narrow interpretation was unquestioningly evil and from satan. Their "you will burn in hell" mentality actually turned me from God for many years. Some anons respond to legitimate posts here in the exact same way.


Q urges unity. Anons who castigate others for having different spiritual views are pushing directly against this. Don't listen to the divisionfags…open your eyes and decide for yourself. What does the word Awakening mean to you?

Anonymous ID: 58e009 May 23, 2018, 6:12 a.m. No.1516718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6757


If the news was blatant "hit you in the face" stuff, Q wouldn't feel the need to tell us to watch the news. There could be something today that seems subtle, and won't necessarily get the MSM sirens blaring…but could be extremely relevant.


I have no patience for hand-wringing anons (shills?) today. Don't be a Q literalist. You should know this by now. Instead of nowfagging and bitching, try watching the news closely…then DIG.

Anonymous ID: 58e009 May 23, 2018, 6:36 a.m. No.1516869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6908

Lots and lots of posts dealing with religion and spirituality. The mysteries of the universe. Biblical literalism vs new ageism.


And all coming at a time when Q implores us to be unified. This is all a division tactic. I see it…do you?


Some anons post harmless and well-intentioned posts that touch on these topics, even if tangentially. The cries of SHILL, CLOWN and FILTER start flying. Otherwise like-minded anons scurry to their respective corners. Bad idea. Bigger fish to fry. Not everyone who has a different world or cosmic view from your own is a shill.


How about anons unify around our common objectives, not divide by our differences.