Anonymous ID: 6f31fc May 23, 2018, 5:16 a.m. No.1516400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6408 >>6437 >>6454 >>6526 >>6933 >>7073


The Boston Globe reports that, according to multiple sources, the White House staffers who help control President Trump’s Twitter feed are quite devoted to accurately imitating their addled boss.


West Wing employees who draft proposed tweets intentionally employ suspect grammar and staccato syntax in order to mimic the president’s style, according to two people familiar with the process.


This may not come as a big surprise to close Trump-tweet watchers — like those of us forced stay attuned to his ravings for professional purposes — who have noticed that Trump’s capitalization style has become more and more scattershot in recent months, increasingly resembling the style of a 19th-century pamphlet.


Some tweets seem to be trying a little too hard to capture that authentically unhinged Trump essence. But they’re sufficiently close to the boss’s style that bona fide experts have trouble telling the difference. The Atlantic’s Andrew McGill, who runs a bot that analyzes whether Trump actually wrote a given tweet, told the Globe that the non-presidential tweeters have “gotten increasingly sophisticated about mimicking him online.”



The piece includes other new details about Trump’s Twitter process, such as it is. Aides often present Trump with three or four prewritten missives on a given topic; Trump then selects his favorite, sometimes editing the wording. (“Too soft on the animals!” one can hear him cry.)


Also, the Trump team employs a strategy sometimes seen among other conservative trolls on Twitter: intentionally screwing up to own the libs.



Anonymous ID: 6f31fc May 23, 2018, 5:18 a.m. No.1516408   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Some staff members even relish the scoldings Trump gets from elites shocked by the Trumpian language they strive to imitate, believing that debates over presidential typos fortify the belief within his base that he has the common touch.


It makes perfect sense that an administration centered entirely around grievance politics would be so meticulous about provoking its enemies. It’s very likely that the Trump administration expends more energy coming up with a perfectly placed misspelling than on devising a coherent strategy on North Korea.

Anonymous ID: 6f31fc May 23, 2018, 5:26 a.m. No.1516454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6792


>Trump’s capitalization style has become more and more scattershot in recent months, increasingly resembling the style of a 19th-century pamphlet.


any anon know about 19th century pamphlet style?

Anonymous ID: 6f31fc May 23, 2018, 5:34 a.m. No.1516488   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another deep state on CNN


JOSH CAMPBELL -CNN CONTRIBUTOR is Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent

saying Deep State does not exist


More on him.