Anonymous ID: 8ee76a May 23, 2018, 5:22 a.m. No.1516432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6436 >>6443 >>6479


Yup! Shills like the one you are replying to like to jump in at the start of every thread and heap praise on the baker to build up their 'patriot cred' for each bread. They also repost the same meme's to try to build up an identity when we should all be anonymous.

Anonymous ID: 8ee76a May 23, 2018, 5:38 a.m. No.1516509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6540 >>6933


Anon makes post quoting pale horse. Q replies at 19:53 saying BIG!


Pale horse book says 1953 is when rochkerfellers and CFR created MJ-12, BECAUSE OF ALIENS\


In November at 52 minutes past the hour Q makes a post: 40,000 view necessary to understand global events, but can't post directly about it because of 'conspiracy theory label' like what happens when Q tried to lead through hitler/nazi red pills. asks us what is NSA, says this is important.


pale horse say NSA was created november of 52, primary purpose? ALIENS and the cover up and study of. involved in creation of trilateral commision which is involved in alien coverup. Trilateral comision uses symbols used by aliens and copied by humans.


later Q drop mentions the 'inner circle' and name drops Mika Brezezinski, asks us to dig familys career. pale horse lists Zbigniew Brzezinski as member of trilateral commission


According to Q drops NSA, CFR, TRILATERAL are all related and involved in biggest coverup in history (aliens) where do you think all the advanced technology the government uses to control us comes from?

Anonymous ID: 8ee76a May 23, 2018, 5:55 a.m. No.1516614   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They can't get us to fight each other any more so they want to unite us together to fight innocent aliens. How long do you honestly think the blue beam psyop would have lasted if we got up into space to 'fight the ebil aliens' and there was noone out there because aliens don't exist?


Use your brain and logic here. try to think about this. they want us UNITED AGAINST ALIENS so we don't realize most of the aliens are peaceful and interstellar war isn't the answer.


If we launch into space and start blasting every aliens we see because 'ebil alien invaders want to eat our kids' the aliens we encounter will of course have to fight back… even the good ones. They are trying to make us into the evil empire from star wars as we transition into a interstellar society, or keep us locked up on earth as long as possible.


It is 'the last card' because they know if we TALK to the good aliens, they will tell of truths, and expose the cabals lies!

Anonymous ID: 8ee76a May 23, 2018, 5:59 a.m. No.1516642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6647 >>6654


cabal has many tricks. one of them is labeling anything they don't want us to know anything about as 'evil'


DNA looks like a snake also.

so do earthwroms. and springs.


are the shocks in your car evil because they have snake like coiled springs?


knowledge is not good or evil. What use you put it to is.


just like guns don't kill people, people kill people. just because guns can be used for evil, does not mean they can also be used for the good purpose of self defense.

Anonymous ID: 8ee76a May 23, 2018, 6:30 a.m. No.1516832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6858



We ARE doing Q research anon.

how bout you stop division fagging. if peeps are talking about a dig that doens't interest you just scroll past. Jumping in and shit posting over legit research just makes it get talked about more.


You don't want to talk about aliens, god, spirituality, or other topics Q himself has brought up, find something else interesting to dig and post about that!!


It isn't that fucking hard to figure out man. YOU do not get to decide other peoples truths just because you are still blue pilled. some of us have been here a LONG time and are already past what many are talking about and are digging down deeper holes than you. just ignore it if its not your cup of tea until it is relevant to your digging & awakening.

Anonymous ID: 8ee76a May 23, 2018, 6:47 a.m. No.1516944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7129


pulling back just because clowns and shills go crazy was a bad idea. as time goes by discussion has gotten more and more restricted about what you can talk about. Why should we be letting shills and clowns control the disclosure narrative? The truth wants to be free. It's up to each anon what they take in and what they scroll past and discard.


Q and the anons who followed choose to come to 8ch, 8ch did not force them to come here. the natives of 8ch where redpilled on jews, nazi, and aliens long before Q, but now the newfags show up and the natives can't talk about what they have known and researched for years.


What topics will be forbidden next week, next month?


Q is waiting for US to be ready for >40,000k view.


Q has said 40,000 view is ESSENTIAL.


it was a mistake for Q to dive into it when he did full bore, we must 'set the stage' first, and prepare the newfags. Q will confirm and official disclosure will happen, but we have to be ready for it. which means those that have gotten past that point need to help the rest get there so they are ready for it when q makes the bigger drops.