>muh alieums
you are a massive faggot anon
coming to that conclusion so matter- of -factly is the same thing as
conceited, self- centered know- it- all attitude.
And you call others shills, SHAME ON YOU
>muh alieums
you are a massive faggot anon
coming to that conclusion so matter- of -factly is the same thing as
conceited, self- centered know- it- all attitude.
And you call others shills, SHAME ON YOU
there is overwhelming proof that the technique used cannot be duplicated by man
the stalks are not bent or broken; in fact, the bends actually show ACCELERATED GROWTH at the bends, allowing the plants to recover
truly amazing stuff
this ( http://ww w.zetatalk.com/index/zeta378.htm ) should get you started if you are new
>inb4 muh alieums
fuckoff with that shit