Anonymous ID: 7b4164 Dec. 9, 2021, 6:34 a.m. No.15163760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3855


House Speaker becomes President if President and VP are convicted.


Never happen unless there is a super majority in the Senate.


Only scenario where Speaker becomes President is if the voter fraud case or the financial misconduct case is so overwhelmingly proven, the fake Pres and fake VP resign in disgrace.

Anonymous ID: 7b4164 Dec. 9, 2021, 7:05 a.m. No.15163855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4005



Look at history - Nixon


During the second Nixon term, all sorts of crap about Watergate hit the fan and Nixon resigned in disgrace.BUTbefore all that, Agnew's less than stellar past caught up with him and he resigned, leaving the VP slot open, which was filled with the appointment of Gerry Ford as VP.


When Nixon could no longer stand the pressure, he resigned in disgrace ("I am not a crook!") and Ford became President.


So, if the infighting between Biden and Harris becomes too much and Biden's people force the bitch out (they know where her skeletons are buried, have no doubt), they will move to get a new VP installed (Hillary??? hope the hell not!) in case Biden suffers the ultimate brain fart and either keels over or admits everything while on a hot mic.


If we get past the midterms and the Republicans take back the House and have a clear majority in the Senate, then things get interesting. A new VP pick would not be a slamdunk confirmation.


I still don't think impeachment and trial in the Senate is the path forward, as the Demoncrats will ignore the evidence (as they did in Trump impeachment trials) and vote in partisan party lines. So impeachment is not the way forward unless by some miracle the GOP gets that super majority in the Senate.


Trump becoming Speaker would be interesting as he would have a big say in committee assignments where investigations into voter fraud could open up the scandal and resignations are possible.