Hey from Cuba, we respect JFK for preventing Operation Northwoods, the Forgotten Insanity.
Hey from Cuba, we respect JFK for preventing Operation Northwoods, the Forgotten Insanity.
JFK died for that he wanted to share UFO files w/ russia, you tard.
EGO, tards like you killed him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And why insult Putin, when you have in the WH, criminals, paedos, satanists, scum, tards, traitors?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
Putin loves his country, even biden loves russia, see money from former mayor of Moscow, plus a pipe line, that Russia has it, and you don't.
Egoism is the philosophy concerned with the role of the self, or ego, as the motivation and goal of one's own action.
You need to learnโฆโฆ.I mean, 1st admit that you're stoopid, the 1st step in learning.
Yesterday I was from there.
Today I'm from Cuba.
Go see how rich is that country.
And they have not satanists in power, w/ son that fucks his step daughter.
Those are our money, anyway.
Need to calm down, fk!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're not a clone, I was replying w/ KYS.
Why you had to change clothe in inauguration day?????????????
Clone grey shit, evil reptoids.
Suck my dick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scum, you even understand that when I'll go home, I will scream so hard that all must join me, to destroy you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You put down choppers?????????????
Those from surface can do the same with training??????????????????
I will show you what a clolective family can do, w/ my anger, sooon.
Calm my ass, I am moar angryโฆโฆโฆโฆโฆ
You sooooooo fking naiveโฆโฆโฆโฆโฆโฆ.
A shit that is rulling fo billions, will be ended in 4 years??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I need my fucking powers backto show you how this will end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Besides KYLE, you ever saw any evil killed????????????????????????
WH is full of them, not penitenciary.
Those are masks, to show you false shit, real criminals are in the WH., CIA, PENTAGON, FBI, SS
Why JFK files, try all the shit to stop them public????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
B/C a criminal killed him??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
The most protected prez in the world, killed by a magic bullet, fired by a lunatic, that say he's a patsy.
Sorry Mr. President, but I can not stop laughing of their lies.!!!!