Anonymous ID: 457647 Dec. 10, 2021, 5:17 a.m. No.15169724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9728 >>9743 >>9747 >>9749 >>9819 >>0246

Greetings Humankind,


We are Galactic Federation of Light telepathically communicating today through Universal Chanel, and sending our second message about the development of events on Earth.


Since our first report, the new unravellings occurred in the situation on your planet. The important data on Venus was obtained by the commander Teh’ran. The Draconian Entities were in preparations to attack the Light Community and eliminate the main Chess Players.


We are monitoring very closely the situation around Terra Christa and continuously dismantling any nuclear missiles that has been launch from orbit or inside the planet. The Orions tried to sneak their new satellite, which carried the latest mind control technology that could make a healthy person to become mentally ill. The Ashtar Command captured the Orions and destroyed their satellite, also got more intel on their future plans in exchange for not being striped from the souls.


We are making sure that there are no major interruptions with the Ascension Process. The Alliance together with Special Military Forces are fighting with Draconians, Reptilians, Orions and etc. in the Underground and Antarctica. The Military received special equipment to help successfully to eliminate the corrupted outworlders. This battle is right now in the final stages of cleanup in the Area 51 and other places.


Your corrupted governments are continuing to lie and manipulate the humankind by trying to scare and force on everyone their killing shots. Please, don’t believe anything, they portraying to you. Your physical bodies were created to be immortal, after numerous DNA adjustments, they die after a certain period of time. This physical death is going to be eradicated with special chambers coming from other civilizations and medical beds.


The chambers are capable to remove any disease, give new bodies, bring youth back, immortality and etc. The medical beds purpose is to eliminate mostly physical issues. We want to specify that these technologies are not available right now on your planet, because the Dark Entities would keep these beds only for themselves. Please, aware that the rumors of their availability on Gaia is not true at this moment.


As soon as your planet Earth is free from Outworlders and the Dark Entities, all the technologies are going to be launched right away as the humanity desperately needs to heal their physical bodies.


We are together in this fight against the Darkness. The Milky Galaxy and Mother Earth are going to be liberated from the Corrupted Souls. Thank you Universal Channel.


Victory Is Here

The Galactic Federation of Light

Anonymous ID: 457647 Dec. 10, 2021, 5:25 a.m. No.15169753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9776



I am Cleopatra VII, the Queen of Egypt, the last active ruler of Ptolemaic Dynasty. I lived in Alexandria, Ancient Times, BC. During my ruling days I made a huge impact on the history of Egypt. The historians speak about me as one of the most powerful woman who ever lived on this planet.


I had a lot of my own power, and I was supported by the powerful men like Caesar and Mark Anthony. The recorders portrayed my image and the facts of my life incorrectly. I was actually not from this reality, I am a descendent from Egyptian Civilization, which visited your planet 10,000 years ago.


Your history has always been manipulated, and it’s full of lies and misconceptions to suite the Dark Masters. Alexandria was flourishing under my ruling. My people were advancing in many areas and creating unseen tools in comparison to other humans residing on Mother Earth.


I dedicated my life to make Egypt the most powerful country during Ancient Times. My Galactic heritage helped me to speak easily many languages including Egyptian together over dozen different languages.


I had many human lives, and I am here incarnated again right now. I am here for a reason to fulfill important task on this planet during the transformation from 3D to 5D. If you are curious, who is this person, I can tell you only one thing, she now remembers her life as a Cleopatra.


Today, I am here to speak to humanity about their near future. Soon, many unexpected events are going to occur, which will disclose the truth about your reality. It will be very scary and disheartening for many individuals. I want to empower everyone not to be afraid to hear and speak the truth or resist to follow the orders from the controllers, who think they have humankind under their thumb.


Each day more and more people realizing that everything that surrounds them is false, and the governments are not their allies. The Light is continuing to spread around the globe, and the awaken ones are fighting in many countries for their right to be free from dictatorship and to live abundant and happy lives.


Reminder, the power lies within each of you. The Corrupted Entities forgot that they have awaken the Lion in the form of Divine Power, that is unstoppable and melts away the Darkness. Each of you is carrying the torch of Light, never forget that you came from the Stars to save this world. I am sending my strength. Thank you Universal Channel


Victory is Here


Anonymous ID: 457647 Dec. 10, 2021, 6:26 a.m. No.15170042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0060 >>0070 >>0086

My Beloved Children,


I am your Father, Prime Creator, speaking today about the transformation everyone is waiting for. The Earth Ascension has been under my supervision for many years. It’s my project, and everyone, who tries to mess it up or slow it down, will lose their soul for it.


The humanity is right now on the cross lines on what to follow Darkness or be the Light, Your task is to help others to see the Light and lead the way to freedom and happiness. Now, you are going to make your decision to Ascend or not. Many are still asleep, and it’s okay as they didn’t reach their spiritual potential.


The Awaken ones need to focus on their continuation of spiritual growth. Please, be ready to move to 5D. I mentioned awhile ago about the 5 stages of Ascension in one of my messages, and I recommend to revisit it. Each of you is on different level of development that means all of you can’t Ascend at the same time. The first wave are going to move to New Earth, and then help others to follow them.


The ones who are attached to this 3D false reality now it’s the perfect moment to let go of all old beliefs and attachments. Open your heart to the nature and your surroundings. Ask forgiveness from the Animal Kingdom and Nature for the bad deeds you have done during your many human lifetimes. Greet everyone with Love and Light. Judgment, anger, ego and etc. are emotions of 3D World. Say good bye to the negativity and welcome laughter into your life.


This planet saw variety of different civilizations come and go, the rise and fall of Atlantis, the decline of Lemuria, glory of Egypt and thousands of other events. Humanity has been suppressed and mistreated for a very long time. Now, My Children, all of you need to raise up to your true potential. The Activation of 12 strings of DNA has been supervised by me step by step leading to in the future to a full activation.


Please, become vegetarians and spend most of your free time meditating. Everything what is alive it’s energy. Learn to express love to everyone. Entertain continuously positive and peaceful thoughts. Your governments can’t hide anymore their lies and corruption. Humankind finally started to see their real faces. The transformation of this planet is happening and the old foundation is falling down each day more and more. The unexpected events are going to happen and shock millions of people.


Nothing can’t stay the same like the Cosmos continuously expanding and changing. New Planets, Universes, Star Systems are born each nano second. Follow the Divine Flow, and you are going to experience a lot of miracles. I am your Father, and I always give to you what you need, sometimes you don’t notice. We are all One Universal Consciousness. Amazing Times are coming to Mother Earth. Thank you Universal Channel.


I am sending My Love to My Beloved Children.

Never Forget That We Are All One

Prime Creator

Anonymous ID: 457647 Dec. 10, 2021, 7:32 a.m. No.15170296   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The great awakening is more than exposing the corrupt and evil that has plagued the planet.

The great awakening is awakening humanity to what they really are.