Anonymous ID: 1d374d May 23, 2018, 8:02 a.m. No.1517499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7536 >>7659


>Any anons have info on this?

Right. Most of us here, I think, have accepted that perhaps human trafficking/raping/torture of children and eating their pineal glands and drinking their blood in occult rituals to a possible alien satanic cabal that built the moon and are living under the ice in Antarctica with the giant skeleton bones, and possibly have an AI mass army of robots and drones programmed to kill all of us that are not 'down' with the NWO..

Or not.

Anonymous ID: 1d374d May 23, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.1517676   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>When you put it like you have, anon, it's funny

That was a (not very) facetious rant to a buddy who wanted to know about chan life so I tried to distill it into a QRD. Thing is, the longer I'm here, the more:

> I mean, I pretty much believe everything you just mentioned is 100% possible.

Anonymous ID: 1d374d May 23, 2018, 8:34 a.m. No.1517800   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>And it's only going to get stranger as the digs deepen..

>There really is no place for naïveté here, knowing what we now know compared to last year, even… Nevermind a decade ago…


Underrated post! Truer words were never spoken. The last couple years on here and half have been a cram course in the impossible. The amount of subjects and information that has been covered is astonishing. Research skills have been developed that were unthinkable a short time ago, a credit to the hive mind.

Jesus, just think of the ground covered in PP/Pedogate/OWS/HWNDU/Berkeley Antifa/SR/LV. I know more about medicine, gun shot wounds, the behavior of blood, continuity of blood lines, ancient European/North African history, economics, geology, Egyptology, UFO's, flat earth theory (kek), and so much more. Must admit it's a bit addictive.