Anonymous ID: 4bf503 May 23, 2018, 7:29 a.m. No.1517218   🗄️.is đź”—kun



So stormy went on liberal nbc, with a script to follow, decided shes using a storm term, no one told her she cant, it was slipped in and a wink at the 150 people that know about Q.




Some of you Anons go full retard. I love you guys, but where is the logic?

Anonymous ID: 4bf503 May 23, 2018, 7:38 a.m. No.1517299   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7317

Exclusive: China deploys more surface-to-air missiles to disputed island, raising tension with US


The Chinese military has deployed another advanced surface-to-air missile system to one of its contested islands in the South China Sea, according to satellite imagery exclusively obtained by Fox News.


The satellite images taken on Sunday by ImageSat International show two new launchers on the northern shore of the Island, next to a radar system, all covered by a camouflage net.


The net is usually used to conceal stealthy activities that might interest other armies or security teams. It also makes it harder to identify what surface-to-air missile system it is. But ISI analysts think it’s similar to the HQ-9 system that was deployed back in February 2016, and was first reported by Fox News. The HQ-9 air defense system, has a range of 125 miles, which would pose threat to any airplanes, civilians or military, flying close by.




ISI analysts believe that this provides further evidence that China is increasingly "militarizing" its islands in the South China Sea, ramping up tensions in the region that might undermine its strategic stability.


Another image shows five suspicious cars, four of them under camouflage net, right next to the tarmac in the southern part of the island.


Last Friday, two days before these photos were taken, Chinese state media for the first time released a video showing a long-range nuclear-capable bomber landing on an island in the South China Sea, a move the Pentagon said raises tensions in the region years after China’s president pledged not to militarize the disputed area.


A Washington think tank, CSIS, said the bomber landed on Woody Island.


"The United States remains committed to a free and open Indo-Pacific. We have seen these same reports and China's continued militarization of disputed features in the South China Sea only serves to raise tensions and destabilize the region,” said Marine Lt. Col. Christopher Logan, a Pentagon spokesman.


Woody Island is the largest of the Paracel Islands in South China Sea, and is also claimed by Taiwan and by Vietnam.

Anonymous ID: 4bf503 May 23, 2018, 7:40 a.m. No.1517323   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Facebook Inc. CEO Mark Zuckerberg is in Paris Wednesday for a meeting with France’s tech-savvy President Emmanuel Macron, the latest stop on a European tour that aims to shore up the company’s reputation after the Cambridge Analytica scandal.


The two men were to discuss the platform’s efforts to deal with terrorist recruiters, fake news, election meddling and hate speech, an aide to the French president said ahead of the closed-door talks. He said Macron wants the Facebook chief to understand the widespread concern about the misuse of social media.


Their bilateral meeting will follow a lunch at the Elysee Palace where the French leader aims to persuade executives from some of the world’s biggest tech companies that their reach and scale gives them responsibilities comparable to nation states. He wants to talk to the executives about behavior that he considers predatory and also pitch France as a place to invest his office said ahead of the meeting.


“As you know there is no free lunch,” Macron said to laughter from the executives as he greeted them on arrival. “I want commitments from you. I will be direct and open and that’s what I expect from you. Let’s talk very directly about what we can do.”


Zuckerberg was joined at the 18th century palace by executives from Tencent, SAP, Samsung, Intel and Palantir as well as the French bank BNP Paribas, defense supplier Thales and pharmaceutical giant Sanofi. Alongside the Facebook chief, Macron will also hold one-on-ones with executives from Microsoft, IBM and Uber.


Giving Back

Several companies unveiled measures they plan to take in response to his appeal, while not taking strong commitments.


“As a company Google believes firmly in the message we heard today – that we need to be thoughtful and give back in all the places we live and work,” director’s Jacquelline Fuller told reporters after the lunch. The company said it will spend $100 million in Europe, the Middle East and Africa over the next five years for digital training.


Uber Technologies Inc. signed a deal with Axa SA to provide insurance cover for its drivers and couriers across Europe, admitting that the startup had “lost sight” of its workers in the quest for growth. U.K. food courier service Deliveroo will also provide free insurance for its riders, the company said today.


Read more: Uber Extends Insurance Deal With Axa to Cover Drivers in Europe


Palantir Technologies Inc., the data-mining company working for the Pentagon, the International Atomic Energy Agency as well as the French intelligence services DGSI, was represented at the “Tech for Good” by co-founder and CEO Alex Karp who thanked Macron on the steps of the Elysee Palace. The company didn’t commit to any measures.


Zuckerberg, who didn’t comment as he left the Elysee after the lunch, will come back for his private meeting with Macron. There won’t be any readout after the meeting from the French side, the aide said, asking not to be named in line with French government rules.


Macron is the first national leader to sit down with Zuckerberg since the data privacy scandal broke in March, offering the Silicon Valley billionaire both an opportunity to show good will and time to explain some of the tougher issues he’s facing in private. He won’t have to address any of Macron’s concerns publicly.


Difficult Questions

For Zuckerberg, that may make the Paris leg of his trip more comfortable that his visit to the European Parliament in Brussels on Tuesday when lawmakers asked him whether Facebook is a monopoly that should be broken up. Zuckerberg will also attend a conference organized by the 40-year-old president to explore ways in which the tech industry can have a positive impact on consumers and society.


In Brussels, Zuckerberg spent 25 minutes responding to questions and left many lawmakers frustrated that he hadn’t addressed their questions.


France and its continental neighbors are gearing up for Europe’s parliamentary elections in May 2019. Macron’s aides said Facebook must activate its “election integrity” program ahead of the vote and the president will raise the issue with Zuckerberg. Macron faced battalions of online trolls and fake news providers during his winning presidential campaign last year against the nationalist Marine Le Pen and he wants the Facebook chief to understand his responsibilities, the aide said.

Anonymous ID: 4bf503 May 23, 2018, 7:47 a.m. No.1517381   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7390 >>7403 >>7434

Notable? Abramovic is now pushing world disasters through a Virtual Reality experience.



Climate-change agitprop turns to 'spirit cooking,' virtual reality


So this devil still has money and a movie/VR title on the way. Why is she not in handcuffs?


Remember Marina Abramović, good friend of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta?


She’s a well-preserved 71-year-old Serbian avant-garde performance artist who dabbles in witchcraft, spirit cooking, progressive agitprop, virtual reality shows and has added “climate change” to her repertoire.


If she could get her hands on eye of Newt, you can bet that would be in the hell-broth brew, too.


Abramović presented her virtual reality film called Rising at London’s Royal Academy of Art saying that it is about raising consciousness.


With a hypnotic chant, she explained: “This video game will present the players with opportunities to save lives in urban landscapes radically altered by catastrophic flooding. Some predictions say that in 100 years the human race won’t exist on this planet, we want to address these issues.”


“You’re saving the human being, and you’re saving the planet, or you’re not saving the planet, and you make human beings die. And the choice is only yours,” she explained.


She nearly admits the scam, saying the human brain has trouble distinguishing what is and isn’t real and thus is tricked into feeling all the normal sensations as if they were actually there.


In her new film, “Rising,” she says, “I hope to explore the questions if immersive play will increase empathy with the present and the future victims of climate change and how this experience will affect players consciousness and energy.”


Known for ritualistic witchcraft-themed exhibits, the most infamous being the Podesta emails were released on WikiLeaks. He was the chairman of the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign and his emails mentioned a “spirit cooking” dinner that members of the Clinton campaign apparently participated in. The original “spirit cooking” exhibit took place in Rome and featured a menu written in pigs blood with items such as “mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk.” According to Abramović, the work was inspired by the widespread belief that ghosts feed off intangible things like light, sound and emotions.


Abramović says her video game is about raising consciousness and she compares that with the rising waters and melting ice at the north and south poles – of course that’s only in the world of virtual reality.


Tonight the New York Times is hosting its next Times Talks segment with Abramović and Pussy Riot’s Nadya Tolokonnikova. The event will offer a most interesting dialogue between the cohorts, divulging personal insights on Abramovic’s tantalizing works of performance art alongside the Russian punk activist’s politically charged pieces that touch upon “resisting censorship, mass surveillance and torture in prisons and police departments,” said the Times.


The lively discussion is promised at the Florence Gould Hall in New York City 7 p.m. tonight. Tickets are $40.

Anonymous ID: 4bf503 May 23, 2018, 7:48 a.m. No.1517395   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7401 >>7419 >>7610 >>7689 >>7834

(Please delete first post, had wrong pic attacked)


Notable? Abramovic is now pushing world disasters through a Virtual Reality experience.




Climate-change agitprop turns to 'spirit cooking,' virtual reality


So this devil still has money and a movie/VR title on the way. Why is she not in handcuffs?


Remember Marina Abramović, good friend of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta?


She’s a well-preserved 71-year-old Serbian avant-garde performance artist who dabbles in witchcraft, spirit cooking, progressive agitprop, virtual reality shows and has added “climate change” to her repertoire.


If she could get her hands on eye of Newt, you can bet that would be in the hell-broth brew, too.


Abramović presented her virtual reality film called Rising at London’s Royal Academy of Art saying that it is about raising consciousness.


With a hypnotic chant, she explained: “This video game will present the players with opportunities to save lives in urban landscapes radically altered by catastrophic flooding. Some predictions say that in 100 years the human race won’t exist on this planet, we want to address these issues.”


“You’re saving the human being, and you’re saving the planet, or you’re not saving the planet, and you make human beings die. And the choice is only yours,” she explained.


She nearly admits the scam, saying the human brain has trouble distinguishing what is and isn’t real and thus is tricked into feeling all the normal sensations as if they were actually there.


In her new film, “Rising,” she says, “I hope to explore the questions if immersive play will increase empathy with the present and the future victims of climate change and how this experience will affect players consciousness and energy.”


Known for ritualistic witchcraft-themed exhibits, the most infamous being the Podesta emails were released on WikiLeaks. He was the chairman of the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign and his emails mentioned a “spirit cooking” dinner that members of the Clinton campaign apparently participated in. The original “spirit cooking” exhibit took place in Rome and featured a menu written in pigs blood with items such as “mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk.” According to Abramović, the work was inspired by the widespread belief that ghosts feed off intangible things like light, sound and emotions.


Abramović says her video game is about raising consciousness and she compares that with the rising waters and melting ice at the north and south poles – of course that’s only in the world of virtual reality.


Tonight the New York Times is hosting its next Times Talks segment with Abramović and Pussy Riot’s Nadya Tolokonnikova. The event will offer a most interesting dialogue between the cohorts, divulging personal insights on Abramovic’s tantalizing works of performance art alongside the Russian punk activist’s politically charged pieces that touch upon “resisting censorship, mass surveillance and torture in prisons and police departments,” said the Times.


The lively discussion is promised at the Florence Gould Hall in New York City 7 p.m. tonight. Tickets are $40.

Anonymous ID: 4bf503 May 23, 2018, 7:55 a.m. No.1517446   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7547

An interview stating where kickstarter money went. She back tracks and bullshits. Photo shows her "art", using the energy of those around her.


But what I did not know, that this interview shed light on, was….


My blood pressure is sky-high,” she said, before sighing dramatically and detailing her struggles with Lyme disease, likely caught from an unnoticed tick at her country house outside of Hudson, New York.


Have we known about this location? If not, we need to dig. What can be going on out there?

Anonymous ID: 4bf503 May 23, 2018, 8:14 a.m. No.1517610   🗄️.is đź”—kun


“One idea is to take 250 drops of blood of the most important human beings on this planet who contribute to humanity — in science, technology, writers, filmmakers, whatever,” she said. Once a year, “the most important shaman of that century,” she explained, would energize the blood drops, using the “life force” that connects body to blood.