Anonymous ID: 6f9003 May 23, 2018, 7:18 a.m. No.1517159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7178 >>7291 >>7364 >>7648



Werner Von Braun is lying to you

There are real alien threats

From outer space

We need space based weapons

To defend against these aliens

Or they could attack our planet

Destroy our civilization

The ALIEN THREAT is real!!!

Alien rocks are dangerous

If they fall on your head or house or state

Anonymous ID: 6f9003 May 23, 2018, 7:21 a.m. No.1517171   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I went to this date calculator and I subtracted 280 days (the average human gestation period) from Hussein's birth 08/04/1961


and this is what I got:


Friday, October 28, 1960


So who was where around that time?


There are pictures which suggest that Frank Marshal Davis was his daddy. But then why such a fuss about his birth location. There are others that suggest Pak Subuh was the daddy and I tend to agree with this. It also explains why he spent so many years in Indonesia, and is consistent with the whole Subud connection of so many players like Fuddy.


But wait… who was the mother? The biological mother? Did we see a DNA test? NO!


Frank Marshal Davis had a daughter named Lynn Davis (born August 15, 1949). She is in the 3rd picture here. That would make her 11 years, 2 months, 13 days old at the time of Hussein's conception. Since we are dealing with a pedophile cult her I don't see any reason to exclude the possibility that she was the birth mother. Where was she at the time?


This would explain why Hussein resembles both Subuh and Davis, because he has genes of both. But there is even more.


Compare Frank Marshal Davis with Stanley Ann Dunham. Frank clearly has some white ancestry but who? Could he share ancestry with Stanley Ann? Could that explain why Hussein resembles Frank? We know that the Illuminati practice incest, and that they hide children by fostering them out to other families. Names are no indication of ancestry. Of course only DNA will completely sort it out, but they tend to be careless and leave a lot of other clues. The only thing is that serious investigations will require travel to all the places involves to check local sources that are not digitized.

Anonymous ID: 6f9003 May 23, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.1517415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7420



Rocks from space

Never cease to want you dead

They constantly attempt to attack us

They are an extremely intelligent species

Far more than us

They have mastered the art of space travel

With no need for air, water or food

Their patience is immense

They have been known

To wait millions of years

For a chance to descend

Upon a planet

Although cold as ice

They rain fire upon and unsuspecting land

Do not underestimate the 'VICIOUS alien rock

Because in the end, they will win

All we can do

Is to stave them off

Until we can evolve

To travel and colonize other planets

While the evil rocks

Crush the earth under their jackboots

And push her into the sun

You are a fool

If you cannot see this

Anonymous ID: 6f9003 May 23, 2018, 7:57 a.m. No.1517458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7477 >>7481



Meghan Markle is a nobody

Forget about her

But Hanna Motley

The lawyer who went to Devil's Heaven with Soros

Whose mother promotes international adoptions

Whose great grandfather was chef for the Skull and Bones club

You need to watch her

And dig her connections

And look up at the top in Notables

For #1899 to find a link


On what happened at

Devil's Heaven

The 20th annual Watermill Art Center event

With spirit cooking in the evening

You can find photos and video to check

Anonymous ID: 6f9003 May 23, 2018, 8:23 a.m. No.1517712   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sounds like Kim has been reading Trump's book, the Art of the Deal. Good for him. He needs to be tough with Seoul to get a balanced deal for reunification to make sure that the oligarchs of South Korea don't just march in and take over. NK has a lot of mineral resources that will make both Koreas richer.