Anonymous ID: 0efa3e Dec. 10, 2021, 3:35 p.m. No.15172787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2817 >>2949





The 12 laws that need to be changed to make vaccination mandatory


  1. Oath of hyppocrates

  2. Code of medical ethics: article 36

  3. Public Health Code: article R47.27.36

  4. Nurember Code 1947

  5. Declaration of Geneva 1948

  6. Declaration of Helinski 1996: article 25

  7. Oviedo Convention of 1997: article 5

  8. Kouchner Law of 4 March 2002: article 1111-4

  9. Salveti ruling of 2002

  10. French Civil Code: article 16-1

  11. Resolution 2361 of the Council of Europe

  12. French Constitution: article 55


The rest is propaganda and intimidation.

Don't be afraid, they can't do anything