>>15178066 pb
The “separation” from God is also “the fall”, in case you didn’t know that either… And the loserferians want to keep you there. The Gospel of Thomas is ALL about the teachings of Jesus Christ. Why do you think 40+ books the Bible were taken out? (Or greatly reduced?) They want you to search for God outside of you. Jesus Christ teaches you how to find God and Salvation. But when you are missing half the story it’s like, “Jesus Christ died for your sins.” Everyone’s like awesome, I’m saved. But it’s like, yea fuck whatever He taught. I’ll just regurgitate whatever the indoctrinated pastor tells me because he has a degree and the right to lawfully preach to the trusting masses because OF COURSE!!! The luciferians thatcontrol everythingwould WANT YOU TOACKCHYUALLY FIND GOD ANDDESTROY THEM.THEY’LL PREACH IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS!! Won’t they?
Very well, you have free will.. carry on, sleepy head.