'factcheck.com(tm) has determined that the fact will generate at least 1000 likes and labelled it as fact+positive'
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'I was told jews would get 'preferential' treatment (i.e. shekels)'
'6 gorillion'
they knew
the red bracelet/string is to remind them of the bloody wound on their penis from when they were mutilated as infants
so many people were honest about understanding what jews are
then came the (((fake news))) slander and 'laws' against hating those who mutilate genitals of infants
'think mirror'
is there any action in your life you have taken that is not directly related to the fact that as a jew you had your genitals mutilated and promised it was 'worth' it because you would get shekels and israel, and not be dragged into hell, but somehow seen as not satanic by living humans while still mutilating genitals of infants
what if the genital mutilation of infants is a punishment for killing Jesus?
bidan tries to blame Trump, doesn't really work because Trump did very well as POTUS, and the impeachments failed
bidan now tries to blame internet 'hacker'
think, or google the word 'mirror', moishewitz
jews don't see their reflection either way
and it is why he warned us about the synagogue of satan
No, I had this discussion and it ended with that there is NO WAY that Jesus would want anyone to ever have their genitals mutilated, and to add, not anyone, not even someone who would consider themselves his greatest enemy, because you should never promote bad behaviour, since you only need time to think.
that's how you pat yourself on the back?
I hope you get a lot of time to think.
No, I just donยจt want genital mutilation to take place anywhere, as it is horrifying
I just use time to think.
doesn't that say more about you than about me?
Jesus is God.