Exclusive —Rep. Lee Zeldin: ‘Good Chance’ Joe Biden Avoided Army-Navy Game Due to Fear of ‘Let’s Go, Brandon Chant’
Robert Kraychik12 Dec 2021
Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) speculated that the White House kept President Joe Biden away from the 122nd annual Army-Navy Game on Saturday due to fear of a “Let’s Go, Brandon!” chant from the audience.
The Army-Navy football game was hosted at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey. Breitbart News reported on Saturday that the White House broke away from presidential tradition in not having Biden appear at the game.
“I don’t know exactly why he did not attend,” Zeldin said in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak. “However, I will say this –, and I’ll state it as my opinion, and it could very well be a fact — if President Biden showed up at yesterday’s game, there’s a good possibility that you would have had the largest ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ chant that has taken place.”
He continued, “That entire arena might have roasted him right out of MetLife Stadium. I’m not saying this to be hyperbolic or incendiary.”
“It might have been a calculation made by the White House that if he went to the game — I think — it was a pretty good chance that he was going get roasted out of the stadium,” he assessed.
Zeldin remarked, “There are tens of thousands of other people in that arena who were not there in uniform, and that clearly was a stadium that is not happy with the performance right now of President Biden.”
He added, “If I had to guess which way the reception would have gone — I agree with you that the cadets and midshipmen would not be participating in the roasting — but there would have been several tens of thousands of other people who, I think, would have been giving Biden a greeting that he would not have liked.”
During a post-race live televised interview with stock car racer Brandon Brown at a NASCAR racing event in October, a crowd chanted, “F*ck Joe Biden. ” During the chant, Kelli Stavast of NBC News claimed the crowd was chanting, “Let’s go, Brandon.”
Since then, the chat of “Left’s Go Brandon” has become a trendy way of blasting Joe Biden without using the F-word. The chant has rung out at events, including football games, concerts, and any other type of event that draws big crowds.