if that was true then mud sharks would spawn sterile spawn, at best ; yet, there is a distinct difference in those of a southern hemispheric origin, and those of the north in the pattern recognition department ; probably an aspect of evolution when selection does not pick pattern recognition when food is plentiful, and climate is mild …in other words, black chicks didn't care to mate with smart guys as it didn't matter who was smart….but good dancers?
you got the gif of him?
did the tornado kill more than the miami tower collapse?
dude…dog is a species….a great dane and chihuahua are the same species ; but horse and donkey can have a mile, but it is sterile
wait….are you saying a dog and a wolf?
man v nature …who is more evil ? (oh wait, SUV supposedly caused the tornado!….so says Al Gore….were not those polar caps to have melted already?)
that video is so old that that guy doesn't know those rainbow suspenders would end up being gay/clownish