>>15186903 pb
Yep. From the beginning of the church, the Jews were persecuting Christians. Paul was himself a Jew that helped kill Stephen.
When they could no longer physically persecute Christians they added vowels to the Bible to hide the prophetic riddles of Christ in scripture.
'Amar' אמר means 'said, word, and lamb' but they split off lamb into emeer so that you would not suspect that when John the Baptist said, "behold the Lamb of God", some heard him say, "Behold the Word" of God".
Get rid of the vowels added about 600 AD to the OT and you will be reading the OT that Jesus read.
The mystery hidden from the beginning start to unfold.
The Holy Grail of preaching is the sermon on the road to Emaus.
The great embarassment is that theologians must reluctantly admit that they cannot read the scriptures the way Jesus and the NT authors did (search "NT author use of the Old Testament" and "sensus plenior").
The camel in the tent of the church has been the secret mystery teaching of Jesus, they just can't wipe out the idea that he taught secretly even though they can't produce what it is.
The universal thesis assignment for hermeneutics 101 is "The synoptic problem" where Matthew, Mark and Luke treat the same material differently.
These are the SAME issue.
Adam had to be kept from the tree of life, God told prophets to seal up revelations, Jesus spoke in parables and yes mysteries, so that they would not believe.
If salvation comes from belief , and they could believe in the cross before the cross, it would nullify the need for the cross. What a dilemma.
So he HAD to teach in secret mysteries before the cross.
After the cross they had forgetten what he had taught. They were not looking joyfully to his return. He had to send the Holy Spirit to remind them of what he taught them before the cross and on the road to Emmaus.
They did not get 'magic' knowledge of scripture, but as they studied they learned to use the hermeneutic Jesus taught them with more proficiency.
At 10 to 15 year intervals, the Hebrew church gave the Greek church a gospel so they would know the state of theological study.
Of course the Greeks did not care for the deep understanding of the scripture. They didn't want to be Jews.
Mark is most pedantic in his use of the hermeneutic. He understood 'the gospel' to begin with John the Baptist.
A decade later Matthew understood the ramifications of De 28:37 And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the LORD shall lead thee.
He began to unpack the 'mystery' or 'sensus plenior' from the literal history of Israel. They were dinner theater actors for the rest of the world as they acted out metaphor and prophetic riddles with their very lives.
Luke learned that the same sensus plenior was the warp and woof of scripture back to Adam, and he could unpack the mystery from that earlier history.
This is why each gospel is a bit different as it reflects the interpretive maturity of he author.
But the Greeks didn't care. They had already lost their first love as they deified Mary, and had begun to conquer the laity (Nicolaitans).
Joh was the the most proficient, using notarikon to unpack the mystery from within the words themselves.
So the rabbis polluted notarikon as well, but today it has been restored.
The Jew uses Cabalah to understand the power in the words God used to create the universe SO THAT HE CAN NULLIFY the work of God.
Pagans…God did not use power inherent in words. He used his power and spoke creation into existence.
The Jew is not in union with the Christian. He does not worship the God of the Bible. There are only rare times in the history of the Jew when they did worship God, all the rest of the time they were polytheistic pagans.
Read your Bible before you Disneify the Jew as a cuddly almost-Christian.