Anonymous ID: e0ddc9 Dec. 13, 2021, 11:05 a.m. No.15187154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7226 >>7241 >>7257 >>7271

Julian Assange Suffers Stroke; Father Says He Was Vaxxed In Prison


Julian Assange's wife revealed over the weekend that he suffered a stroke during an appeal hearing on October 27th in Belmarsh Prison.


From The Daily Mail:


Julian Assange has had a stroke in Belmarsh Prison, his fiancee Stella Moris revealed last night.


The WikiLeaks publisher, 50, who is being held on remand in the maximum-security jail while fighting extradition to America, was left with a drooping right eyelid, memory problems and signs of neurological damage.


He believes the mini-stroke was triggered by the stress of the ongoing US court action against him, and an overall decline in his health as he faces his third Christmas behind bars.


It happened at the time of a High Court appearance via video link from Belmarsh in October.


A 'transient ischaemic attack' – the interruption of the blood supply to the brain – can be a warning sign of a full stroke. Assange has since had an MRI scan and is now taking anti-stroke medication.


Ms Moris, 38, a lawyer, said: 'Julian is struggling and I fear this mini-stroke could be the precursor to a more major attack. It compounds our fears about his ability to survive the longer this long legal battle goes on.'


Assange's father said during an interview live-streamed on November 15th that his son was vaccinated in prison and appeared to suggest he was pressured into it because he feared retaliation.


From Consortium News:


Julian Assange's father, John Shipton, has told a French interviewer that his son has been given a Covid-19 vaccine in Belmarsh Prison.


"He has been vaccinated, of course," Shipton told the show Thinkerview, live-streamed on Monday. "So he has no choice in this. No choice about anything. He has no control over his body."


Shipton said every medicine Assange accepted in prison would go on his record and wind up in court. Likewise any medicine he refused would also be reported.


There is "not a mandated Vax" in the prison, Shipton told Consortium News in an email. "I was attempting to illustrate that Julian's body is not under his control. All actions, as I understand it, are noted and available to [the] prosecution. The psychiatric staff and medical staff write reports which are available."


Shipton told CN that "if [the] Vax [is] not taken, I presume prison administration, no less than other institutions …" would report it. "Thus a freedom which in practice does not exist," he said.


Shipton told the French interviewer: "He only has choice about what he might think about from this minute to the next minute. What his thoughts are, are his. The rest is in the complete control of the jail administration because it is a maximum security prison. Everything … is supervised. "


According to testimony at his September 2020 extradition hearing, Assange had been reluctant to discuss his health with prison doctors, fearing he would be put in isolation.


The imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher has a chronic lung condition. His block at Belmarsh had an outbreak of the virus last year and was locked down.


Assange has said nothing on the record either way about vaccines or public health measures like lockdowns or wearing masks. He has been incommunicado directly with the public since Ecuador shut off his internet connection in March 2018 inside its embassy in London where Assange had been granted political asylum in 2012.


In August, the U.K. Ministry of Justice told Consortium News in an email that a vaccine was made available to all inmates at Belmarsh Prison, where Assange has been held since April 2019. He remains there on remand pending the U.S. appeal of a judgement not to extradite him.


"All prisoners have been offered a vaccine," wrote MoJ senior press officer Sarah Fairely. "As it is a personal health matter we don't hold the figures on those who have taken the vaccine."


Mark this down as another "coincidence"…

Anonymous ID: e0ddc9 Dec. 13, 2021, 11:07 a.m. No.15187158   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Product of Zionism is 'Apartheid, plain and simple', says Israeli publisher


December 13, 2021 at 2:03 pm

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A growing number of Israelis are acknowledging that their country practices Apartheid. Resigned to the fact that the occupation has become a permanent reality, thus relegating half of the non-Jewish population in historic Palestine to the status of second- and third-class citizens, Israel's evolution as a country that practices Apartheid is admitted even by self-described Zionists.


"The product of Zionism, the State of Israel, is not a Jewish and democratic State," said Amos Schocken, co-owner and publisher of Haaretz. "But, instead, has become an Apartheid State, plain and simple".


Now in his 70's, Schocken made the remarks in an indignant response to a right-wing member of the Israeli Knesset, Amichai Chikli of the Yamina party. The 40-year old denounced what he calls the Israeli left, saying that they had undermined Zionism.


Schocken, who describes himself as someone who "adhere[s] to genuine Zionism" rejected Chikli's criticism. "People such as Chikli think they're Zionists, but when they support and maintain an Apartheid regime, they're anti-Zionists," Schocken added, hitting back at the Israeli right.


Around the same time as Schocken denounced Israel's Apartheid system in his column last week, Israeli author, David Grossman, suggested that "Apartheid" was the right terminology to describe the reality in the occupied West Bank.


"Maybe it should no longer be called an "occupation," but there are much harsher names, like "Apartheid," for example," said Grossman, who is described as one of Israel's most prominent authors, told Army Radio.


In his remarks, Grossman said that the government of Naftali Bennet was an upgrade to Benjamin Netanyahu, but added that "it cannot do the most important thing — cure Israel of the sick evil that is the occupation."


Schocken and Grossman are among a growing list of Israelis who have acknowledged Israel's status as an Apartheid State since the release of the report by Human Rights Watch and B'Tselem in April.


One can say many things about this, but one cannot say Israel is fulfilling Zionism as a Jewish and democratic state.


According to the Partition Plan, incidentally, the city of Hebron would have been in the Arab state, and even after the War of Independence, Hebron was part of the Kingdom of Jordan. It wasn't in Israel.


Today in Hebron there's a Jewish-Israeli settlement, but it can only exist because about 500 IDF soldiers ensure its security every day. There is no place else like it in Israel.

Anonymous ID: e0ddc9 Dec. 13, 2021, 11:08 a.m. No.15187161   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Despite rising cases, vaccine committee rules against fourth COVID jab


First children turn out at health funds for second shot * More than 1,000 children get vaccinated in their schools


Israel will hold off providing fourth jabs of the coronavirus vaccine, even as cases slowly rise in the country as the Omicron variant burns across the world.

Individuals double vaccinated against COVID-19 within the last six months can't receive a booster and still need to wait to get their third jab, the Pandemic Response Team and the Advisory Committee on Vaccines said late Sunday night.


The committee met for several hours to discuss the issue, as 67 cases of Omicron were discovered in Israel and dozens more are under investigation.

The discussion came as new research is showing that two shots of the Pfizer vaccines are less effective against the variant and that three shots could provide greater protection against infection.

The committees also evaluated whether or not to give the fourth shot to people who are immunocompromised, elderly or at high risk for developing severe COVID-19 but decided against this as well.


However, the health officials did rule that the period of time between recovery and vaccination could be shortened from six months to three months.

The first Israeli children aged five to 11 received their second shots against the coronavirus Monday. Several hundred kids turned out at the health funds for their second shot and several thousand more to get their first.

Maccabi Health Services reported that so far it has vaccinated 44,500 children, Clalit reported vaccinating 54,000 and Meuhedet another roughly 13,000 kids. Leumit did not provide an update.

For weeks, children ages 5-11 have represented over 40% of the new cases recorded in the country, while the vaccination campaign has not proceeded as fast as the authorities had hoped.

Out of around 1.2 million eligible children, only 115,000 have gotten a shot.

While COVID is usually a mild disease for young children, a number of them suffer from more serious complications, including long-COVID and post COVID

Earlier in the day, the Hebrew media reported that a six-year-old child was pronounced dead at the Barzilai Medical Center after he lost consciousness as he was sleeping. Both the boy and his siblings had had COVID in the past, but it was not immediately clear whether there was any connection. Medical experts were set to examine the child’s body and check his siblings to ascertain the situation.

The country has also started to vaccinate students in schools, as part of the government’s efforts to step up immunization among the population to prevent or at least limit an outbreak of the new Omicron variant.

So far, according to data shared Monday by the Health Ministry, more than 1,100 students got their first jab in schools the day before.

Anonymous ID: e0ddc9 Dec. 13, 2021, 11:11 a.m. No.15187181   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Arrest in Romania of a ransomware affiliate scavenging for sensitive data


Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) has supported the Romanian National Police (Poliția Română) and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in arresting a ransomware affiliate targeting high-profile organisations and companies for their sensitive data.


The suspect – a 41-year-old Romanian national - was arrested today at his home in Craiova, Romania, in the early hours of the morning.

Ransomware with blackmail


The criminal is suspected of having compromised the network of a large Romanian IT company delivering services to clients in the retail, energy and utilities sectors.


He is then believed to have deployed ransomware and stolen sensitive data from the IT company’s clients located in Romania and abroad, before encrypting their files. The information stolen included the companies’ financial information, personal information about employees, customers’ details and other important documents.


The suspect would then ask for a sizeable ransom payment in cryptocurrency, threatening to leak the stolen data on cybercrime forums should his demands not be met.

Europol’s support


Europol’s EC3 supported this investigation by:


Providing analytical, cryptocurrency tracing, malware analysis and forensic support;

Deploying two of its experts to Romania to provide advance forensic support and to help with crypto-asset forfeiture.


This operation was carried out in the framework of the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT).

Anonymous ID: e0ddc9 Dec. 13, 2021, 11:12 a.m. No.15187186   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Leaders of the Lorenzana Drug Trafficking Organization Extradited on International Narcotics Trafficking Charges

Anonymous ID: e0ddc9 Dec. 13, 2021, 11:13 a.m. No.15187192   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brownsville CBP Officers Seize $400K in Methamphetamine at Gateway Bridge


BROWNSVILLE, Texas — U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers working at the Gateway International Bridge seized $400,355 in methamphetamine.


“Our officers continue to maintain laser focus in their efforts to keep our borders secure, and their hard work and dedication to the CBP mission contributed to making this drug seizure,” said Port Director Tater Ortiz, Brownsville Port of Entry.

Packages containing 20 pounds of methamphetamine seized by CBP officers at Gateway International Bridge in Brownsville, Texas.

Packages containing 20 pounds of methamphetamine

seized by CBP officers at Gateway International Bridge

in Brownsville, Texas.


On Monday, Dec. 6, CBP officers working at the Gateway International Bridge encountered a 20-year-old female United States citizen from Brownsville, Texas, who applied for entry into the United States driving a 2012 Ford. The vehicle was referred to CBP secondary for further examination after a primary inspection. In secondary, with the aid of a canine unit, CBP officers discovered nine packages hidden within the 2012 Ford. CBP officers removed the packages, which contained a total of 20.01 pounds of alleged methamphetamine.


The estimated street value of the narcotics from the seizure is approximately $400,355.


CBP officers seized narcotics along with the vehicle, arrested the driver and turned her over to the custody of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) special agents for further investigation.


For more information about CBP, please click on the attached link.

Anonymous ID: e0ddc9 Dec. 13, 2021, 11:22 a.m. No.15187230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7244 >>7253 >>7268 >>7279 >>7280 >>7354 >>7362 >>7364 >>7371 >>7391 >>7402

Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice


Nathalie Augustina, left, was a Dutch-based supermodel in the 1980's.

She was confined to a mental hospital for revealing Illuminati depravity in her book,

Nathalie-The Dark Side of the Fashion Industry: Monarch Mind Control,

Slavery and Sexual Abuse reviewed below. Today, at age 59, she is living in hiding but vows:


"One thing, is that I hope is that I will be able to confront Keanu Reeves in public. He is my enemy and I will let everybody know what he did and who he is for real. If there is a god this will happen. If not I will get him as of 2-2-2022 the moment the portals open. Nobody Rapes me."


Nathalie Augustina was a MK-Ultra mind-controlled fashion model and sex slave who serviced politicians as a reward for their services to the super-rich Satanists that control the world. Her mind was compartmentalized by trauma as a young child and her sexual services were performed by another "alter." She had no recollection of them, yet it was obvious that she had been used. She became pregnant twice without recollecting intercourse. She was offered millions of dollars for a baby but chose to abort them instead. She also had other psychic powers and functions in the netherworld of the CIA and Satanist elite.



The Illuminati depravity she exposes is consistent with Dutch banker Ronald Bernard's revelations. The super-rich and royalty belong to a Satanist cult and engage in pedophilia, child and baby torture and murder, and cannibalism on a routine basis. Police and military intelligence enable these crimes and cover them up. Whistleblowers are murdered or confined to a mental hospital, in Nathalie's case, Amsterdam's Mentrum Psychiatric Hospital, left.


In the past, she was confined for two months in an isolation cell by "Dutch counterintelligence." They tied her naked to a chair and quizzed her about "codes" which her normal personality cannot access. Then they took her to Mentrum where she was stripped naked and medicated.


Her book was mid-wived by Robin de Ruiter, author of The 13 Satanic Bloodlines: Paving the Road to Hell. His Introduction provides an explanation of MK-Ultra brainwashing and how top modelling agencies are basically brothels. Bookers are pimps. Models who resist are disappeared. Here is a recent case.


Nathalie says that most 1980's top models traded sex for fame and fortune. She claims she was drugged and raped by the actor Keanu Reeves. "Most movie stars are not only Monarch slaves, many are also slave-handlers; all live a double life." (205)

Anonymous ID: e0ddc9 Dec. 13, 2021, 11:30 a.m. No.15187284   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mark McGowan introduces new restrictions for unvaccinated residents in WA to be implemented from February 5


The West Australian Premier has announced a host of new public health measures for the unvaccinated which will be implemented when the border reopens on February 5, 2022.


Premier Mark McGowan has announced a host of changes that will see unvaccinated residents facing new restrictions when the state’s border reopens.


The announcement came as the Premier confirmed the state’s hard border restrictions would be relaxed on February 5 which is when WA is expected to reach 90 per cent double dose vaccination.


Mr McGowan warned residents that the border reopening would inevitably allow COVID-19 to enter the state which meant additional public health measures would still be required.


“Western Australia's current zero-COVID environment and high vaccination rate will help deliver the softest landing to minimise the impact of the virus when it enters our state and to keep Western Australians safe for the long-term," he said.


As Western Australia’s border is reopened on February 5, public health measures will be implemented to keep residents safe as the virus enters the state.


Attendance limits:


Capacity and gathering limits will be scrapped


Proof of vaccination:


For those over 16 proof of vaccination will be an entry requirement at:



The Crown complex

WA’s four main stadiums - (Optus, RAC Arena, HBF Stadium Main Arena, HBF Park)

Events with more than 1,000 attendees


For those over the age of 12 proof of vaccination will be required for:


Quarantine-free international travel into WA

Domestic travel into WA


Businesses will also have the power to make proof of vaccination a condition of entry.


Masks will only be required in settings including:



Rideshare services

Public transport

Airports and flights

Residential aged and disability care

Custodial correctional facilities

Anonymous ID: e0ddc9 Dec. 13, 2021, 11:39 a.m. No.15187331   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Larry Nassar victims to receive $380 million in sex abuse settlement


USA Gymnastics and the US Olympics committee agreed Monday to give $380 million to victims of Larry Nassar’s sex abuse, the Wall Street Journal reported.


Gold medalists like Simone Biles, Aly Raisman and McKayla Maroney will receive money in the settlement after it was revealed that team doctor Nassar had been repeatedly abusing gymnasts like the three for decades.


Nassar, 58, a former Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics doctor, has been accused of sexual abuse under the guise of medical treatment by more than 260 women. He will rot in prison until death with sentences totaling hundreds of years for criminal sexual conduct and child pornography convictions.


Ending a five-year legal battle, the agreement is the largest ever for sex abuse victims, according to the WSJ, which said TIG Insurance Company will pay a majority of the sum.


USA Gymnastics filed for bankruptcy in 2018, unable to deal with the volume of lawsuits the organization was facing. Former gymnasts have since ripped the organization for being complicit in the abuse. The FBI also came under fire for its role in the investigation when the DOJ’s inspector general found the bureau made mistakes that allowed Nassar to keep abusing dozens of girls before he was finally arrested.


In an emotional September Senate hearing, high-profile victims of Nassar spoke about the way their abuse was ignored.


“I believe without a doubt that the circumstances that led to my abuse and allowed it to continue are directly the result of the fact that the organizations created by Congress to oversee and protect me as an athlete, USA Gymnastics, and the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee, failed to do their jobs,” Biles said, alleging the organizations knew what was going on and did nothing.


“After telling my entire story of abuse to the FBI in the summer of 2015, not only the FBI did not report my abuse, but when they eventually documented my report 17 months later, they made entirely false claims about what I said,” Maroney said.

Anonymous ID: e0ddc9 Dec. 13, 2021, 11:51 a.m. No.15187390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7439 >>7680

Inside the abandoned sex dens Jeffrey Epstein shared with Ghislaine Maxwell


Amid the lurid ongoing trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, who is charged with grooming many of late pedo-perv Jeffrey Epstein’s victims, never-before-seen photos of the estates he shared with his “lady of the house” have come to light.


Two years after the disgraced financier’s death at 66 by hanging in a federal jail cell, these images — seized by officials who conducted raids into all of his homes — offer a glimpse at what’s become of Epstein’s sprawling properties, including his most off-the-radar compound located in the Virgin Islands, which remains abandoned.


The cache of evidence, released as part of Maxwell’s federal sex-trafficking trial, reveals what FBI agents discovered, which included a trove of discs that give a glimpse into their jet-setting lives together.


Prosecutors entered many of the photos — including first looks at his infamous massage rooms — as exhibits last week during the testimony, accusing Maxwell, 59, of recruiting and grooming underage teens who were sexually abused by Epstein between 1994 and 2004. She faces six criminal counts at trial, including enticing a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts.


As bits and pieces of her past life are laid bare for the public, Maxwell continued to maintain her innocence and pleaded not guilty. At the start of her trial two weeks ago, her lawyers argued that she was a scapegoat who wasn’t indicted until nearly a year after Epstein died in a federal jail while awaiting his own sex-trafficking trial. The New York City Medical Examiner’s Office ruled the death a suicide.


Since Epstein’s death in 2019, dozens of alleged victims have come forward with sexual assault claims, forcing the executors of his estate — Darren Indyke and Richard Kahn — to set up a victims’ compensation fund to dole out damages.


The accusers who have all spoken out have detailed the locations where they claim to have been subjected to rape and sexual torture.


Maxwell’s trial is set to resume later this week.


The Post has obtained current aerial images of the vast properties where Epstein and Maxwell lived large, in addition to haunting interior photographs that were recently revealed in court.

Virgin Islands — Little St. James & Great St. James


Most notorious is Epstein’s island, commonly referred to as “pedo” island, where victims have described in detail trying to swim off the shore in shark-infested water, almost drowning to escape the abuse they faced at the hands of Epstein and his colleagues.