'I thought he was make-believe'
'Mr Johnson, how much do we not know?'
JA has that 'deadman switch', and wikileaks have been releasing material that wikileaks could have released ages ago, if they had it then, like the editing floor reel of the 'moon landing'
It's like the jews hated a city called Los Angeles the most
a reasonable question on how it is possible to know if electric cars actually are drive-able
but it also shows how much electric car driving [they] do
[they] are targeting those who still can get pregnant
'6uild 6ack 6etter' sounds like
jews wanting israel created by other genitally mutilated
dig this hole, fill it up, and it counts in the statistics as 'work'
>>15182274 (pb), >>15182664 (pb) Israelis cannot travel to Britain, Denmark and Belgium from Wednesday
fewer (((instigators)))?
as someone can only be confused into (((lgbtq+))) if they are sexually abused as a child, then this headline doesn't make any sense
looks like millstones/old jewish gravesite
I thought it stood for 'Mostly Indiana'
he looks like another version of (((kevin spacey)))
jews noticed that they can kills people using injections
doubt it was 80 gorillion, it sounds like a 'scared-vaxxed' story
jews noticed that their 'God' is just a box of sheleks
long-jew looks like jerry-seinfeld