Anonymous ID: 5f1873 Dec. 13, 2021, 7:22 p.m. No.15189430   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>15188682 REGARDING recent Notable

>>15186844 OB. Data Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘VAERS Is Telling a Very Frightening Story’


Regarding the remarkable researcher who discussed the frightening signals she has detected in the weekly datasets coming out of the Vaccine Adverse Events System, here is more from Dr Jessica Rose.


She is an amazing individual. Read about her journey to her current mission on COVIDMANIA and you can't help but recognize a fellow traveller, anons.




It’s no use having all this data and these figures if no one sees them. Well, except me. The website is a bit weird and this is because I am not a developer.


You’ll land on the top of a long scrolling series of pages when you click. There you’ll find useful links like links to my YouTube VAERS video updates and Informed Consent documents and other goodies.






Then scroll a little more and you’ll find a list of my publications, including the yanked myocarditis paper with Peter McCullough. I very recently have another article in press on a new copper delivery protein!






I had completed my Master’s and was living in Seville, Spain pursuing my Flamenco career. He asked where I was in the world and if I cared to come over to the Middle East to talk PhD. I don’t believe in coincidences but I do believe it providence and serendipity. My Flamenco career wasn’t going as ‘I had expected’ (it was going amazingly well technically but I had become a bit jaded) and I felt it would be nice to switch gears back to Academia. It had been about a year since I graduated from my Master’s program. So I went to Israel.


I got my PhD. I became a surfer. I became a member of 2 amazing bands, ALTNEULAND and SANDHAUS.


I became a decent photographer. I became a Capoeirista. I became a mom to an obese male kitty named Checkpoint. I tried the violin on. I became a certified surf instructor. I became an electronic solo artist. I became a GIS (Geographic Information System) analyst. I did some acting. I became a Rickettsiologist (Molecular Biologist) during my first Post Doc. I became a Protein Biologist (Biochemist) during my second Post Doc. I made so many friends along the way. I moved 26 times in 15 years. But I am still somewhere in the Middle Earth East.


But DVM. No.


Now I am a data analyst and an outspoken spokeswoman for truth.


But at no point along my path did I ever go to vet school (well, my first Post Doc was done at a vet school, but that’s not the same thing, Mr. Takes), or become a DVM.


Ironically, well, in this case anyway, some of the best medical information DOES come from DVMs! Consider Geert Vanden Bossche, for example. But to be fair, he also has a PhD.