Anons, had a nasty line of logic hit me. Sends shudders down my spine.
We know Hillary believes being in the White House will protect her. We can see her starting to make her move now.
Kamala is in the way yet they cant just brush her aside. Even tho it was by fraud she is still the first black female VP ever.
Because of what she represents they would have to offer her a great honor such as a SCOTUS seat which is what I been thinking for weeks.
Yet what happens when anyone gets in Hillary's way? None of us been thinking about this. They could just simply have her killed and do it in a way they can blame Trump supporters for it.
Kamala would be out of the way while Nancy temporarily steps down, Hillary nominated Speaker, then VP and conservatives everywhere are rounded up as domestic terrorist. Same time any registered gun owner is labeled a conservative aka domestic terrorist and is disarmed. Civil war ensues.
I know its just a thought but the evil we face are capable of anything. Its not like they have not killed before those in their way.