muhjooshills, anime pedo cult larps, dogefukkers, asshole: fuck off.
Greetings, anons, autists.
muhjooshills, anime pedo cult larps, dogefukkers, asshole: fuck off.
Greetings, anons, autists.
food and water might be a better idea.
and relax some bullshit regulations soes they can begin to rebuild their homes, moran.
confirm he's not an anime pedo muhjooshill dog-fondling larpous sponge who trims the hair of BV's back in his off hours.
yeah whatever
Urban Operational Intelligence
How Sensors, AI, and Real-Time Maps Can Create Citywide Situational Awareness
The power of digital geospatial data
Read how leading cities around the world are using geospatial, real-time technology and dataโยญin the short term to gain efficiency, productivity, and operational insights and in the long term to track, manage, and be transparent about the equitable distribution of a city's resources and assets.
Geospatial technology helps:
Monitor citywide mobility.
Maximize resources.
Strengthen decision-making.
That's right, friends! And there's so much moar about the way They can control and manipulate every facet of your so-called life at the link!
keks in irony
always thot he was a straight shooter myself
"consumers now expect" != "reported as"
at least that's what was taught in 1st grade logic lessons.
a real stockfag would tell you to "dabble" in a little of each.
America gonny American
>from the original crayon
same father
the legacy of mr pig is memefags
ah, there's the sauce.
Before your child is injected, watch Dr. Robert Maloneโs statement on child COVID vaccinations
Before you vaccinate your child, which is irreversible and potentially permanently damaging, find out why 15,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly declaring that healthy children should NOT be vaccinated for COVID-19. On behalf of these MDs and PhDs, Dr. Robert Malone, who has devoted his career to vaccine development, provides parents a clear statement outlining the scientific facts behind this decision.
Many credible covid-1984 redpill resources here cuz the science.
hide yer daughters
clearly she makes him wear panties
COVID-19: Introducing Community Contact Tracing
muh lipsynching for fun and profit
Jesus, I trust in (You).
Open Season on Foetus
Mason City Council repeals anti-abortion ordinance
The Mason City Council voted to repeal the cityโs abortion ban Monday, with only former mayor Kathy Grossman voting against the repeal.
Mayor Barbara Spaeth, Vice Mayor Diana Nelson and council members Tony Bradburn, Ashley Chance, Mark Haake and Josh Styrcula voted 6-1 to repeal the sanctuary city for the unborn ordinance. The law, while unable to stop medical practices from opening in Mason, would have made performing or getting an abortion anywhere within city limits illegal.
Saurus rules!
Muh Tragedy Pimps
COVID-19Air Force Discharged 27 Service Members for Refusing to Get Vaccinated
The Air Force gave its forces until Nov. 2 to get the vaccine, but thousands have refused or sought an exemption status.
27 individuals have officially been discharged from the Air Force for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine, making them the first service members to be removed for disobeying the mandate. The Air Force gave its forces until Nov. 2 to get the vaccine, but thousands have refused or sought an exemption status.
On Monday, Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said that these are the first airmen to be administratively discharged for reasons involving the vaccine. She said all of them were in their first term of enlistment, so they were younger, lower-ranking personnel.
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