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Notabled Byrne bun #19215
>>15189006, >>15189294,NotableSummation of Byrne's latest talk.
>>15188965, >>15189122, >>15189305, >>15189330 The Sting. Byrne's CoC: Strzok Priestap > Mccabe > Comey
>>15189006, >>15189294,NotableSummation of Byrne's latest talk.
>"I can say all this now. They might kill me."
>>15188965 7 stories. Magic Letter. Shmoozing Maria. Operation Snowglobe
>>15189122 pissed off irishman with a golden letter in a safe. CoC Strzok, Priestap, Mccabe, Comey
>>15189305 The Sting. Story Confirmed by Sara Carter interview. Who Signed Off on rape and murder of Butina?
>>15189330 Trey Gowdy you say?
The Senate Committee on the judiciary requests that Patrick Byrne be afforded extraordinary latitude under the laws of the United States of America
to investigate and disrupt corruption within the federal government