>multiracial democracy,
no one wants this, you vile cunt….it is supposed to be a republic
>multiracial democracy,
no one wants this, you vile cunt….it is supposed to be a republic
let her run ; Pete and Sandy will outpoll her, much to her embarrassment ; there will be no more Boomer Dems running as they will need real votes by 2024
lil rock it man
they've been here since WWI, and probably going back to Lincoln, but commie pricks took over back when Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt were running shit….after they shot McKinley, drown Astor on the Titanic and did the Fed, and let women vote (after black men had already been voting for 50 years)…such "progress" was made over a hundred years ago, comrade
people to watch elections is up 10-fold ; call the guy at your county election office and ask him about how many have asked about it ; we got one last chance in 2022 to take control of house and senate, impeach Biden and go from there
bongino beating on Lez Chain-knee ; she is such a hag, becoming on par with hillary
only homosexuals and hags are allowed in the WH press pool
got to jettison….just cannot stand current events at the moment ; peace out to all real anons