Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 9:43 a.m. No.15192298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2500 >>2565

NY Times Casually Admits New FDA-Approved Merck COVID Drug Might Actually Mutate Healthy Human DNA by Accident and Impact Male Fertility


In normal times, in a normal world, this news might make headlines.

But in 2020 during the Big Pharma bonanza pandemic, it’s stuffed at the bottom of the New York Times article.


The new Merck drug molnupiravir was approved two weeks ago by the Food and Drug Administration. The “expert” committee narrowly voted to recommend authorizing the drug.


But hidden towards the bottom of the article you learn molnupiravir might actually mutate healthy DNC by accident.


How serious a problem is that?


A team of researchers at the University of North Carolina studied the use of molnupiravir in isolated hamster cells over 32 days and found that the drug did induce mutations in DNA.


Those mutations could “contribute to the development of cancer, or cause birth defects either in a developing fetus or through incorporation into sperm precursor cells,” the authors of that study wrote.


The drug targets only dividing cells, which are relatively sparse in an adult. That poses a narrower risk than other mutagens, like radiation, which can damage DNA in all types of cells.


Still, Ronald Swanstrom, an HIV researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who helped lead the hamster cell study, said that adults had enough dividing cells — in bones, for example, and in the lining of the gut — to cause concern. He also noted that men were constantly making dividing sperm cells that could carry potential mutations.


Oh, and it could affect men wanting to become fathers.


The FDA advisers also noted that the risks could extend to other patients, including men wanting to become fathers, though those risks remain poorly understood and Merck said its own studies had turned up no evidence that the drug causes DNA mutations.


Via Cabot Phillips.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 9:46 a.m. No.15192314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2316

Swarm Of ‘UFOs’ Dart Across California Sky, Days After Pilot Records Fleet Of ‘UFOs’ Flying Over Pacific Ocean?


Just when you think things can’t get any weirder…things get even weirder.


Videos of what appear to be fleets of UFOs are lighting up the internet.


Multiple giant orbs were seen illuminating the sky and aligning in random patterns as they hovered over Chino Hills, California for nearly an hour.


The woman who filmed the bizarre display provided the video to TMZ on Saturday.


“Her grandson was taking the trash out, when he looked up and saw this … which prompted the rest of the family to come out and take it all in,” TMZ reports.


The eyewitness initially figured a grand event that entailed the use of light projectors was taking place nearby, but no light or beam emanated from the Earth’s surface.


After soaring around the atmosphere for approximately 40 mins, the purported unidentified flying objects mysteriously vanished.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 9:48 a.m. No.15192330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2351 >>2500 >>2565

AZ State Rep. Mark Finchem Reads Whistleblower’s Email Dated 11/10/2020 Disclosing Plot By Dems To “Embed” Thousands of Fraudulent Votes Into Pima County’s Election


Members of the Arizona Legislature met yesterday near Tucson, Arizona, to hold a public hearing on election integrity in Pima County.


The panel desired to “receive evidence and testimony that could serve to prove or disprove alleged discrepancies in the 2020 General Election.”


The Gateway Pundit reported on some of the major findings, including Third World voter registration numbers, a frat house with “voters” averaging 45 years of age, and 172 ballots that came from the same address.


The Gateway Pundit also reported that two precincts in Pima County had over 100% turnout for mail-in ballots and 40 precincts had over 97% returned.


This strange anomaly can be explained by an email that Rep. Mark Finchem read to the audience, alledging a plot by Democratic officials to insert 35,000 fraudulent votes into the Pima County 2020 Election.


In October, Finchem spoke at President Trump’s Save America Rally in Des Moines, Iowa where he hinted at this finding.


Yesterday, Rep. Finchem read the evidence out loud.


The IP address that this email was sent from has been identified as a computer in Tucson, Arizona.


Finchem: On November 10th of 2020, we received an email that was actually included in some of the testimony and evidence from the November 30th hearing, last year in Maricopa County. It’s important for me to read the email in its entirety because that is what sets the stage for what is happening over the last 10 months, the investigation that we have engaged in, private sourcing, a few legislators, and pulling public records and records we could get access to. This email is, as I said, dated November 10th, and it is addressed to the criminal division at the U.S. Department of Justice.


This is anonymous reporting and I do not want to be included in this investigation. Thank you.


Please be advised the Pima County Recorder, located at 240 N. Stone Avenue in Tucson, Arizona, 85701 in Pima County, Arizona, and the Democrat Party added fraud votes. In the initial count of the vote by mail (VBM) totals released at 8 pm on November 3, 2020, There are approximately 35,000 fraud votes added to each Democrat candidates’ vote totals. Candidates impacted include County, State, and Federal Election candidates. Through the utilization of the automated ballot count machines in Pima County Elections, My understanding is that 35,000 was embedded into each Democrat candidates’ total votes. Below are the meeting notes.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 9:51 a.m. No.15192346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2500 >>2565

“Reprehensible and Reckless:” Noted Cardiologist Blasts the FDA For Downplaying Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis and Approving Experimental Jab For Children – Says An “Extraordinary Number” of Young People Will End Up With “PERMANENT Heart Damage”


Last week, Dr. Peter McCullough appeared on Brett Weinstein’s ‘DarkHorse’ podcast to sound the alarm over what he calls “Reprehensible and Reckless” actions by the US public health bureaucracy when it comes to their deployment of the experimental Covid-19 Vaccines – especially the FDA’s recent decision to approve the jab for children aged 5-11.


Dr. McCullough is a highly accredited internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist who is considered a leading expert at the top of his field. His work has been published over 650 times in the National library of medicine or PubMed and is the editor of a major cardiology journal.


It’s safe to say Dr. McCullough knows what he’s talking about when it comes to heart conditions, and he did not hold back when Weinstein brought up the topic of vaccine-induced myocarditis.


According to the doctor, who cites several studies to back his claims, Vaccine Induced Myocarditis is a rapidly growing problem that has become at least 50% more common than originally predicted by the US public health ‘experts.’ The condition has become so prevalent, he says, that children aged 12 to 17 are actually “more likely to be hospitalized with Myocarditis” after taking the vaccine than the virus itself.



“The Hoeg analysis found that the real rate of myocarditis is at least 50% greater than what the CDC ever projected. [the study] also found that 86% [of these myocarditis cases] required hospitalization.


The most shocking thing from the Hoeg analysis was that a child aged 12 to 17 is more likely to be hospitalized with myocarditis than taking your chances with Covid and ever getting hospitalized with Covid.”


Not only do studies show that these experimental mRNA vaccines cause severe complications in young people, but there is overwhelming evidence that their risk from Covid-19 is effectively zero, with a 99.995% recovery rate.


According to McCollough, the latest update in the federal government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows there are over 11,000 individuals under 50 years old who have developed heart conditions after taking the Covid-19 vaccine. This number is likely several multiples lower than the actual number, as the system is notoriously underreported.


Even without factoring in the unrecorded events, 11,000 cases of myocarditis in otherwise healthy individuals aged between 16 and 50 (16 is the youngest eligible age when the vaccine was first made available) is ridiculously high. According to Dr. McCollough, the number of new myocarditis cases per year in the US for this age group should be somewhere around just 640 but instead has climbed to unprecedented levels in the wake of mass vaccine rollouts.


“In the United States, our background case [of myocarditis in individuals under 50] is 4 cases per million and we have 160 [million residents in the US aged 16-50] , so it’s 4 times 160 – we should basically have 640 cases of myocarditis per year as a background rate. So far our VAERS system has 11,000 cases [of myocarditis after taking the vaccine], so we are far beyond the background rate.”


Nevertheless, the FDA recently went ahead and inexplicably approved the jab for children aged 5 to 11, spurring a wave of mandates in school districts across the nation. McCollough says that these mandates will inevitably cause the already unbelievably high number of myocarditis cases to “skyrocket” over the next few months.


What’s even more concerning is that McCollough says that people under 50 who develop a minor myocarditis condition will end up with permanent heart damage around 13% of the time – which will likely remain the case in individuals who develop vaccine-induced myocarditis, resulting in a shocking number of young people who will be forced to fight heart problems for their entire lives.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 9:52 a.m. No.15192354   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EU court sides with LGBT couple in ‘huge’ development


The European Court of Justice (CJEU) has ruled that member states must recognize LGBT+ parents and their children as one family, after Bulgarian authorities refused to give a birth certificate to the daughter of a same-sex couple.


The landmark decision, made on Tuesday, saw the European court declare that member states must all guarantee the same right, regardless of domestic policies, to guarantee the child’s freedom of movement across the bloc.


Bulgarian Kalina Ivanova and British Gibraltar-born Jane Jones launched the case after Bulgarian authorities wouldn’t grant a birth certificate to their daughter, who was born in Spain in 2019, as officials stated that a child cannot legally have two mothers.


Currently, same-sex marriages and partnerships are not recognized in Bulgaria, which further prevented Ivanova from getting Bulgarian citizenship for her daughter.


As neither of the mothers are Spanish, they couldn’t receive citizenship there and, under the British Nationality Act of 1981, UK citizenship can’t be transferred to a child born in Gibraltar. Concerned that their child could be left stateless, with no passport, citizenship, or other documentation, the parents filed a case with the CJEU to address the situation.


Upholding the rights of the LGBT+ couple and their family situation, the CJEU declared that depriving the child of her “right of free movement” because “her parents are of the same-sex” violates her “fundamental rights” guaranteed under EU legislation.


While accepting that nations can independently decide on “whether or not to allow marriage and parenthood” for same-sex couples, the court stated that this cannot result in a contravention of the rights the “child derives from EU law.”


Under the ruling, the CJEU ordered Bulgaria to issue the child a passport. The case cannot be appealed.


Welcoming the decision, lawyers representing the parents called it a “huge step for all LGBTQ families in Bulgaria and Europe.” The duo promised that they would launch further action to secure legal recognition in Bulgaria as the legal parents of the child.


"The judgment has brought long-awaited clarification that parenthood established in one EU Member State cannot be discarded by another, under the pretence of protecting the 'national identity’,” Arpi Avetisyan, head of litigation at NGO ILGA-Europe, said in response to the ruling.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 9:55 a.m. No.15192368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2500 >>2565

The Lancet Scolds Those Claiming "Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated"


Long before the vast majority of Omicron cases were among the vaccinated, and before CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted in early October that the Covid-19 vaccine does not prevent transmission, public officials, MSM pundits, and coffee shop doctors across the land were spouting insidious propaganda designed to shame people into taking the jab.


That this is a 'pandemic of the unvaccinated.'


The phrase implies that the vaccine was a panacea against Covid-19, and anyone who refused to take it wasn't just part of the problem… but an irresponsible idiot who doesn't follow the science.


In a late November note, The Lancet published a letter from Günter Kampf, a prolific researcher at the University of Griefswald in Germany.


In it, Kampf absolutely excoriates those calling this a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," amid "increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals continue to have a relevant role in transmission."


Read below:


In the USA and Germany, high-level officials have used the term pandemic of the unvaccinated, suggesting that people who have been vaccinated are not relevant in the epidemiology of COVID-19. Officials’ use of this phrase might have encouraged one scientist to claim that “the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated for COVID-19”. But this view is far too simple.


There is increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals continue to have a relevant role in transmission. In Massachusetts, USA, a total of 469 new COVID-19 cases were detected during various events in July, 2021, and 346 (74%) of these cases were in people who were fully or partly vaccinated, 274 (79%) of whom were symptomatic. Cycle threshold values were similarly low between people who were fully vaccinated (median 22·8) and people who were unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or whose vaccination status was unknown (median 21·5), indicating a high viral load even among people who were fully vaccinated.


In the USA, a total of 10 262 COVID-19 cases were reported in vaccinated people by April 30, 2021, of whom 2725 (26·6%) were asymptomatic, 995 (9·7%) were hospitalised, and 160 (1·6%) died.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 9:56 a.m. No.15192374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2500 >>2565

Unit behind notorious Pegasus spyware on brink of shutdown – reports


The owners of the NSO Group, which hit headlines this year for creating and selling Pegasus spyware to governments around the world, is reportedly looking to shut down its scandal-ridden department and sell the entire company.


On Monday, Bloomberg reported that the NSO Group’s owners were in talks for the refinancing and potential outright sale of the business, which is in danger of defaulting on its debts, citing sources familiar with the matter.


Prospective buyers include two American funds that have discussed closing the Pegasus unit if they were to take control of the company. One source said that $200 million in fresh capital could be used to turn the tech behind Pegasus into defensive cybersecurity services. It is also reported that an American buyer could look to develop the company’s drone offerings.


Bloomberg was also told that the Israeli firm was considering shutting down its highly controversial Pegasus unit, which accounts for half of the company’s income.


Pegasus software came to light earlier this year following an investigation led by Forbidden Stories, a Paris-based media nonprofit, in collaboration with Amnesty International and 17 media organizations.


As many as 50,000 phones had been illegally accessed using the Israeli malware. Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Hungary, India, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE were among the 11 countries in which potential clients were identified.


NSO was added to the US government blacklist in October, worsening its financial issues. The firm needs to repay some $450 million in debt. Last month, Moody’s Investor Service downgraded the firm’s credit rating, saying it was at an increased risk of defaulting on its loans.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 9:58 a.m. No.15192386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2450 >>2500 >>2565

Deadly Colombian airport bombings branded terrorist attack


The twin blasts that rocked an airport in the Colombian city of Cucuta on Tuesday, killing two police officers, was a terrorist attack, the country’s President Ivan Duque has said.


“We reject the cowardly terrorist attack that occurred in the city of Cucuta,” Duque wrote on Twitter, adding that the military and police were doing everything to track down those responsible.


The Camilo Daza International Airport, in the capital of the northeastern Norte de Santander Department, was struck by two explosions on Tuesday morning.


The first blast happened early in the day as the alleged perpetrator tried to get the bomb onto the airport grounds by climbing over a fence. The device is believed to have detonated prematurely, killing the suspect.


The second device went off an hour later when the bomb squad arrived on site and started searching the area. It was reportedly hidden in a bag, with the explosion killing two officers.


In June, a helicopter carrying Duque and several other top Colombian officials was fired upon by unknown assailants not far from the Camilo Daza airport. The aircraft sustained a few hits, but was able to safely reach the airfield in Cucuta.


Several anti-government guerilla groups, including remnants of the FARC rebel faction, currently operate in the Norte de Santander.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 10 a.m. No.15192394   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK lawmakers quietly authorize terminating citizenship without notice


British MPs have passed a bill which makes sweeping changes to asylum and refugee rules as well as giving the home secretary the power to remove someone’s citizenship without telling them.


Last Wednesday, amid media uproar about a 2020 Downing Street Christmas party that allegedly defied Covid-19 rules, British MPs passed the Nationality and Borders Bill through the House of Commons. The bill, which aims to tighten up rules around migration and asylum, passed 298 to 231.


“Our Bill will bring in a new, comprehensive, fair but firm long-term plan that seeks to address the challenge of illegal migration head on,” Home Secretary Priti Patel told the Commons.


The legalization has been widely criticized for a number of reasons; first among them is the move to give the home secretary the power to revoke citizenship without telling people. Clause 9 – “Notice of decision to deprive a person of citizenship” – gives the exemption from having to provide notice of the removal of citizenship.


The exemption is applicable when the home secretary does not have the required information to give notice, as well as for any other reason deemed “reasonably practicable.” It is also noted that notice should not be given if it endangers national security, diplomatic relations, or if it’s in the public interest.


More than 250,000 people have since signed a petition calling for Clause 9 to be removed from the bill.


The bill also creates a two-tier asylum system, separating those that have arrived from dangerous countries from those who have arrived from elsewhere in the world. Asylum seekers are also required to make their claim at a “designated space” and criminalizes illegally arriving in the UK.


The bill will be read in the House of Lords in the new year before moving to Royal Assent.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 10 a.m. No.15192397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Health officials refute Deputy PM’s incorrect Omicron data


UK health officials were forced to correct Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab, following interviews on Tuesday during which he twice gave the wrong number of hospitalized Omicron patients, providing wildly inaccurate figures.


Speaking to Sky News, Raab told host Kay Burley there were a “significant number” of patients in hospital who had been infected with the new Omicron variant of Covid-19, before stating that it was “250 the last time I looked.”


Later in the same hour, he significantly revised that figure downwards from 250 to nine. However, while closer, it was still incorrect.


Health officials were forced to issue a correction on behalf of the government, stating that the exact number presently in hospital with the new variant was 10.


During his first interview, Raab had sought to warn the public that, based on the current rate of transmission, “we will see those numbers increase very dramatically,” claiming that some of those hospitalized “will possibly die or have a very serious suffering.”


He admitted the government didn’t yet “know the full severity” of the new strain, but urged the public to “take action now,” even “if the severity is relatively low.”


On Monday, Health Secretary Sajid Javid confirmed there have so far been 4,713 confirmed cases of Omicron in the UK, and warned that it was set to become the dominant variant in London within the “next 48 hours.”

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 10:02 a.m. No.15192406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2512 >>2567 >>2618

Boy Scouts of America's insurer agrees to $800 million settlement with victims of alleged sexual abuse


Attorneys involved in the Boy Scouts of America bankruptcy case have reached a settlement that would require one of the organization's largest insurers to contribute $800 million to a fund for victims of child sex abuse.


The national BSA organization filed bankruptcy last February in an effort to halt lawsuits against the organization from former scouts who were allegedly victims of sexual abuse.


Century Indemnity Co. and all affiliated companies will give $800 million to a fund for victims of child sex abuse in exchange for being released from any further liability concerning claims of sexual abuse. The payment from Century Indemnity Co., which was announced Monday, would be the largest sexual abuse settlement in U.S. history and would make the total amount of money in the trust more than $2.6 billion, according to the Associated Press.


The settlement has been reached as more than 82,000 individuals with sexual abuse claims must vote on the BSA's restructuring plan by December 28, according to the Associated Press.


BSA announced in July of this year that it would give assets valued at $250 million to the trust supporting survivors of abuse and asked local councils to give $500 million to the trust, according to the BSA restructuring website. Additionally, an updated version of the plan announced in September of this year says that the two large insurers of the BSA have reached agreements concerning their settlements.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the Hartford have agreed to contribute money to BSA's sexual abuse settlement provided that they are released from further liability regarding sexual abuse claims. The Mormon Church agreed to contribute $250 million to the trust for victims of abuse, and the Hartford agreed on the contribution of $778 million, according to the plan.


If approved in court, the Century settlement would provide additional funds to the trust, including $40 million from local councils as well as an additional $100 million from the national BSA and local councils. The additional commitment can be attributed to growth in membership as a result of charter organizations continuing to sponsor local scouting units, according to the Associated Press.


“This is an extremely important step forward in the BSA’s efforts to equitably compensate survivors, and our hope is that this will lead to further settlement agreements from other parties, said the BSA organization in a statement, according to the Associated Press.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 10:07 a.m. No.15192425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2500 >>2565

JPMorgan bans unvaccinated staff and guests from Manhattan offices


JPMorgan announced Tuesday that it is banning all unvaccinated workers and guests from its Manhattan offices to try to keep masking rules relaxed while complying with Gov. Kathy Hochul’s controversial mask-or-vaccine mandate for businesses.


The bank said its nine Manhattan offices, including its headquarters at 383 Madison Ave., will now be “vaccinated only” workplaces, according to a memo to staff that was viewed by The Post.


The company’s other affected offices are at 237 Park Ave., 245 Park Ave., 277 Park Ave., 28 Liberty St., 390 Madison Ave., 410 Madison Ave., 4 New York Plaza and 5 Manhattan West, said the memo, which was from the bank’s “Return to the Office Task Force.”


“All of the above locations will now follow relaxed mask guidelines, which only require masks be worn when walking through lobbies, riding in elevators and in cafés when not eating,” the memo said. “Of course, you may continue to wear a mask when not in these areas if you’re more comfortable doing so.”


Hochul’s new statewide mask mandate went into effect Monday and applies to any business that doesn’t require its workers, customers and visitors to present proof of vaccination against COVID-19. The order requires that workers keep a mask on at all times in such instances unless the person is alone in a room or eating.


Earlier this month, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio issued a controversial order that requires all private-sector workers in the Big Apple to be fully vaccinated by Dec. 27 and many indoor businesses to ban anyone who has not had two shots. The mandate is expected to be challenged in the courts.


JPMorgan’s new “vaccinated only” office policy is an effort to comply with the immediate state mandate while appeasing employees who don’t want to wear a mask while seated at their desk. The state mandate is set to expire Jan. 15.


“We are taking this step because we have very high rates of vaccination amongst our employees. With rates well above 90%, it seems unfair to require our vaccinated employees to wear masks all day at their desks, and would be a step that would slow the progress we’ve already made towards business normalcy,” JPMorgan said in the memo to staff.


The bank urged any unvaccinated staff to get the shots as soon as they can and asked unvaccinated employees “to work from home temporarily until alternative solutions are considered.”


“As the pandemic continues to evolve, we can anticipate additional government restrictions and requirements,” the bank said. “For now, we believe that vaccinated-only offices are the right way forward.”

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 10:10 a.m. No.15192449   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ex-Danish Minister Convicted and Jailed for Separating Child Brides from Migrant Men


Former Danish Migration Minister Inger Støjberg has been sentenced to 60 days in prison after being convicted of illegally separating child brides from migrant men in 2016.


The former Minister for Immigration and Integration, who served in the role from 2015 to 2019, was found guilty of violating the Ministerial Responsibility Act on Monday over her brief policy of separating couples — predominantly migrant men with underage wives — during the height of the European migrant crisis.


Støjberg had separated 18 couples in 2016 after deciding migrant girls aged between 14 and 17 would not be accommodated in the same asylum reception facilities as their husbands, most of whom were adults.


According to a report from the Danish broadcaster TV2, the separation of the couples was found to be contrary to Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and several points of Danish administrative law.


Støjberg reacted to the verdict saying: “I am very, very surprised, I have to say.”


“It is Danish values that have lost today,” she said.


“There is something very wrong when you cannot protect girls from the disgusting phenomenon of child brides,” she continued, adding: “I will take my punishment, and I do so without shame.”


While the BBC notes that the couples who were separated were “young asylum-seeking couples”, giving an example of a Syrian couple in which the man was aged 26 and his bride 17, Deutsche Welle states that some of the girls involved were as young as 15 and the men as old as 32.


A report from the Times, published in 2016, claims that in at least two cases the girls were as young as 14 and that one of the 14-year-olds had been married to a 28-year-old man.


Following the announcement of the impeachment of Støjberg earlier this year, the former minister left the Liberal Party to become an independent member of the Danish parliament.


In October, she announced a plan in partnership with the populist Danish People’s Party (DF) that proposed to deport as many as 50,000 migrants by 2030.


Child brides have remained an issue among migrants from certain countries, with the most recent examples being seen following the evacuation of Afghanistan after the country fell to the Taliban in August.


United States Secretary of State Tony Blinken confirmed in September that older men with child brides were among those evacuated from the country.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 10:12 a.m. No.15192464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2500 >>2565

Wife of Mexican Cartel Boss Busted with $800K Cash in Texas Home


The wife of a regional boss of the Gulf Cartel kept more than $800,000 hidden inside her Texas house when federal authorities arrived. The woman and her sister are facing money laundering charges while the husband appears to still be on the run, even though authorities spotted him prior to the raid.


This week, both Jessenia Flores-Salinas and Julia Judith Florez-Salinas went before U.S. Magistrate Judge J. Scott Hacker who ordered they both be held without bond until their trial date. Both women are facing one count of money laundering conspiracy. Jessenia Flores Salinas is the wife of Hugo Armando “La Cabra” Cortinas Salinas, a regional commander with the Gulf Cartel who is based out of Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas, and controls the smuggling corridors into Starr County, Texas.


The case against the Flores Salinas’ sisters began in October when federal authorities stopped a woman named Alyssa Vera who was trying to cross into Mexico with $9,230 in cash, a criminal complaint filed by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration revealed. During questioning, Vera revealed she smuggled approximately $50,000 for Flores-Salinas that she believed to be from human smuggling.


Authorities set up a surveillance operation at Flores-Salinas home in Roma, Texas, which is near the busiest human smuggling corridors used by the Gulf Cartel. During the surveillance operation, they spotted a man matching the description of Cortinas-Salinas at the residence and Jessenia Flores-Salinas arrive at the house with a teen male in a white Kia SUV with Mexican plates.


When the woman left the residence, authorities pulled over her vehicle for questioning. They also arrived at the house and got Jesenia’s sister to give them permission to search the house. Once inside, they found $809,980 in cash. The money was hidden in shoe boxes in her closet and in the master bedroom.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 10:16 a.m. No.15192494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2500 >>2514 >>2518 >>2521 >>2565

Hunter Biden Embraces ‘Art for Art’s Sake: No Interest in Making Money


Hunter Biden has revealed the humble ethos that drives his newfound love of painting. He told Vanity Fair a recent Manhattan gallery show left him thrilled because “I wasn’t there to sell my art” and people going “wow” is its own reward.


The president’s son opened up about his self-effacing objective in the magazine interview, explaining the creative process satisfies him rather than tawdry suggestions he is only in it to trade off the family name.


Hunter claims about 95 per cent of the people at his recent opening in New York City were people he knew rather than art speculators. They included such celebrities as Moby, graphic artist Shepard Fairey – who designed the Obama ‘Hope’ poster – and Sugar Ray Leonard.


“I wasn’t there to sell my art. I wasn’t there to talk about my art. I wasn’t there to explain myself, or explain what my art represented. All I had to do was watch people go, ‘Wow,'” the 51-year-old said.


“And I knew that that’s what they would do, not because I was overly confident about it. I’m sure some people didn’t like some paintings, or some people thought that that was too abstract, or some people thought that that was too figurative. But I didn’t care. I truly didn’t care.”


He called putting paint on canvas “the most true thing that I’ve ever done,” after previously saluting himself for his “courageous” work and business model.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 10:18 a.m. No.15192504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2565

Judge holds hospital in contempt of court for refusing ivermectin to COVID patient on ventilator, ignoring court order


A Virginia hospital was held in contempt of court Monday after refusing to administer ivermectin to a woman who has been battling COVID-19 since early October.

What are the details?


Kathleen Davies, a 63-year-old northern Virginia woman, became severely ill with COVID in October, and she has been on a ventilator since Nov. 3.


Davies was prescribed ivermectin by her family doctor, but she could not complete her regime upon being admitted to the Fauquier Hospital in Warrenton. That's because the northern Virginia hospital refused to administer the drug, "citing medical, legal and practical concerns," the Fauquier Times reported.Davies' son, Christopher — who works at the hospital as a radiologist technician — urged the hospital to administer the drug as his mother's health declined and all other medical treatments had been exhausted. But the hospital continued to refuse.


Hospital to administer ivermectin. Just one day later, Loudoun County Circuit Court Judge Jim Fisher agreed with the Davies family and ordered the hospital to administer the drug in compliance with the family's wishes. Shockingly, the hospital ignored the order.


Hospital to administer ivermectin. Just one day later, Loudoun County Circuit Court Judge Jim Fisher agreed with the Davies family and ordered the hospital to administer the drug in compliance with the family's wishes. Shockingly, the hospital ignored the order.


The hospital claimed because none of its doctors "believe Ivermectin is in Ms. Davies’s best interests and all have refused to prescribe" and because Kathleen's doctor — Dr. Martha Maturi — did not have privileges to practice medicine at Fauquier Hospital, it could continue to ignore the court order.


But on Dec. 9, Fisher ruled that such a policy is not state law and again ordered the hospital to permit the administration of the drug in compliance with the family's wishes. Importantly, Fisher did not rule on the medical merits of ivermectin as effective treatment for COVID-19. But with all other treatment options exhausted, Fisher clearly sided with the family.


Still, the hospital refused to allow Maturi to administer ivermectin. And in a court filing on Monday, the hospital began raising objections to Maturi's medical qualifications and requested that she testify under oath.


The hospital said in its motion, in part:


Fauquier Medical Center requests that Dr. Maturi be made available to testify under oath regarding her qualifications, the discussions, steps taken and ultimate decision that she is unable to care for Mrs. Davies. Both parties have been working together to comply with the court’s order; however, as it stands, neither the hospital nor the plaintiff has been able to find a physician capable of assuming care for Mrs. Davies while she remains in critical condition in the ICU.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 10:20 a.m. No.15192516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2550 >>2565

14 Members of Congress Accused of Violating Federal Law in New Report


A new report has found that 14 members of Congress have been violating the STOCK Act and handle their finances in a way “that could expose them to ethical problems.”


Insider reported the following Republican lawmakers were among those in the “danger” zone of financial compliance: Rep. Pat Fallon of Texas; Rep. Dan Meuser of Pennsylvania; Rep. Blake Moore of Utah; Rep. Lance Gooden of Texas; Rep. Diana Harshbarger of Tennessee; Rep. Kevin Hern of Oklahoma; Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama; and Rep. Chris Jacobs of New York.


The list continued with several Democrats who had violated the STOCK Act as well: Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California; Rep. Susie Lee of Nevada; Rep. Tom Malinowski of New Jersey; Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney of New York; Rep. Kim Schrier of Washington; and Rep. Tom Suozzi of New York.


So what is the STOCK Act? An acronym for “Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act,” the 2012 provision made it illegal for Congress members to participate in insider trading, Investopedia reported.


To many, it was surprising that this had to be formalized in law since many just assumed insider trading was illegal. But until 2012, “trading based on material nonpublic information — otherwise known as insider trading — was both legal and commonplace among members of Congress,” Investopedia explained.


Nine years ago, the STOCK Act made it expressly illegal. The act was widely supported in Congress, by both Republicans and Democrats. In the House, it passed 417-2 and in the Senate, it passed with a 96-3 vote.


Now at least 14 Congress members have failed to properly disclose financial trades.


“These lawmakers have violated the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012 by failing to properly disclose financial trades, many to a significant degree,” Insider reported.


“Some also employ senior staff members who’ve violated the STOCK Act or haven’t themselves taken proactive steps to avoid potential conflicts of interest,” the outlet found.


Perhaps the most prominent member of Congress listed among the 14 is Feinstein.


The senator violated the STOCK Act one time, which totaled about $15,000. She said that she paid the fine for not disclosing her trade, but did not provide any proof.


Schrier violated the act once, totaling at least $500,000. Schrier did not comment or confirm whether the fines had been paid.


Other members of Congress reportedly violated the STOCK Act over 100 times.


Fallon had 118 late disclosures, which totaled about $9,113,000.


“Upon learning of his STOCK Act violation, Congressman Fallon self-reported himself to the Ethics Committee and proactively paid his fines. The congressman has not been late on reporting stock transactions since his discovery of his first infringements,” Austin Higginbotham, Fallon’s communications director, said in a statement.


Suozzi violated the STOCK Act about 300 times, which resulted in at least $3,200,000. Suozzi did not comment on whether he had paid the fines necessary for these violations.


The infringements regarding the STOCK Act are nothing new, though.


In September, an outside ethics group complained that seven House lawmakers didn’t disclose stock trades, NPR reported.


“The lack of accountability we’ve seen in regard to STOCK Act compliance is basically giving elected officials the green light to buy and sell stocks based on information gained from committee meetings without any transparency for their voters,” Kedric Payne, general counsel and senior director of ethics at the Campaign Legal Center, wrote in a statement.


In July, Forbes also put the spotlight on three Republican lawmakers who did not report “up to $22 million in stock trades made earlier this year” — Tuberville, Moore and Fallon.


But while the 14 members of Congress identified by Insider were the ones with very clear trading violations, Insider also shone a light on other lawmakers who did not properly report their trading.


“Insider and several other news organizations have this year identified 47 members of Congress who’ve failed to properly report their financial trades as mandated by the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012, also known as the STOCK Act,” the outlet reported.

Anonymous ID: 4775a3 Dec. 14, 2021, 10:22 a.m. No.15192538   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Woke Portland city bosses award $12m clean energy contract aimed at boosting racial equity to bankrupt fraudster accused of lying about her prior experience


Portland city officials have awarded a nearly $12 million clean energy contract to Diversifying Energy, a nonprofit run by Linda Woodley, 71

She has served time in prison over the past 25 years for defrauding energy companies and racked up millions of dollars in liens for unpaid taxes

Woodley has also faced accusations of failing to disclose financial records

She claims all of that legal trouble goes back to a 1997 conviction for committing tax and bankruptcy fraud and claims that is behind her

She also denied claims that she fabricated or exaggerated her proposal by claiming she 'managed' a $30 million energy upgrade program in Los Angeles

The program's overseers say they never heard of her

Portland city officials now say they will revise how they vet bid proposals


Woke Portland city officials have awarded a nearly $12 million clean energy contract to a nonprofit run by a woman convicted of defrauding energy companies.


According to an investigation by the Oregonian, Linda Woodley, 71, has served time in prison over the past 25 years for defrauding energy companies, and racked up millions of dollars in liens for unpaid federal and state taxes - including a six-figure penalty filed just earlier this year.


She has also faced accusations of failing to disclose financial records, and has been investigated by the IRS.


But Portland city officials awarded her nonprofit organization, Diversifying Energy, a contract worth nearly $12 million earlier this month to purchase, deliver and install portable eat pumps and cooling units inside 15,000 homes and apartments of low-income individuals.


The Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund tapped her for the program, and the City Council unanimously approved the grant - despite concerns from some staff members who were concerned about the nonprofit's high personnel costs and proposed delivery timeline.


They recommended the city instead award the grant to the only other bidder, with 85 percent white employees, rather than to Woodley, who is black.


She is now also facing claims that she lied about her prior experience to get the grant money.