Anonymous ID: 9f6ceb Dec. 14, 2021, 9:15 a.m. No.15192111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2480

For those of you nervous fags who are chewing your toenails off about Biden ruining America…


  1. What corrective measures have legislatures started to consider with regard to absentee ballots post 2020 election?


  1. The clowns may have cooked the books enough to pull the wool over peoples eyes then, but have things improved for the average DNC voter?


  1. How many of the State elections that were toss-ups did the RNC win vs DNC?


  1. October surprises are usually the last big kick in the teeth before a Nov election, do you think we're going to go a year where things improve for Biden, or is all the bad news waiting like an anvil over their heads at every turn?


  1. Do you think this sense of betrayal that the average DNC voter is feeling will be forgotten? Even the most liberal hippie voter is second guessing their sanity after seeing this dumpster fire of a President.


  1. Have you gone on news sites on FB/TW to see what comments are flooding the airwaves and SM?


  1. Have you asked the random person in a store what they think about the election/Biden/DNC?


Quit your whining. This shit is epic in proportion and scale and will be a permanent shift. It took America 50 years to get this bad, and this is the turning point that everything pivots on. Rittenhouse, Maxwell, Durham, Afghanistan, Gas Prices, robberies etc ALL are on their heads now, and you'd be smart to get memeing to keep that pain fresh in the normies heads.


Go research "Death by a thousand cuts" your memes are razor blades to the psychology and confidence of our enemies. Like a bazillion shards of an artillery shell slicing through skin. Fire for effect. Memes away. God Bless America. Dig Meme Pray