Mid-Afternoon Shift will soon be renamed Filter Shift.
My fav ads are the ones from local utility companies.
Buy our juice not the competitors.
Wait wut?
Raining so hard in sunny SoCal you can barely see all the ships anchored offshore.
> HR management
As if a beaver invasion would be a bad thing.
Big Meat is sticking it to us hard!
Don't let those big meanie oldfags get you down, numberfag.
None of their decodes have amounted to much either.
Hmmm, KEK seems to thinks so as well.
Numberfagging has indeed sunk to new lows during QR 2021.
Hard to deny that.
>Just a little fun, anon.
That's fine - I don't begrudge anyone for that.
>It also helped me understand that Joe was a part of the plan, and that Patriots are in Control.
Yeah, this is the goofy part when you numberfags go that far.