There is something to a person's frequency and ability to accept higher truth frequencies.
Low frequencies vibrate in fear, anger, jealousy, hate, lies, deceit.
Higher frequencies vibrate with love, compassion, patience, kindness, TRUTH.
Until humanity as a collective raises their frequency, the truth WILL NOT resonate with them at all.
To speed this process up is not up to Q, or Trump or the military. It's up to humanity to raise their frequency to accept higher frequencies of TRUTH.
This is why it's taking so long. We are doing this wrong. We need to raise the vibration of humanity so they resonate with truth!
If a person vibrates in lower frequencies like most of humanity is being manipulated to do currently they will not listen to the truth. They ignore you. That is why shills are promoting negativity here 24/7.
Shills are trying to keep your frequency low as well. This is their top priority. To keep you vibrating fear, hate, anger.
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Nikola Tesla