wan'na FUCK[?]
I'm "fREE"
that [thang] got eel teeth - nasty as a dead snake's rectum - MOAB to bOOt.
shAIl we "dance[?]
credit wHERE credits DUE:
THANK YOU JIM (and Family) 4 keep'n this FREE SPEECH [shite-shOW] aLIVe
still - lot's of GOOD People at Sally's - just the Swiss Beast [system] fucking I.T. [UP] <:[inversion]
as if we didn't expect that [like a full term abortion]
Siamese twin vomit ensemble insimul
post hole diggers are pressure relief values for bone-broth imbibers [obfuscation at it's stinking maximum]
yeah but[T] i calibrate by observing wHAT the being chooses to consume:
got dat SCrote[?]
911 waz a warm-up 4 dusti-phi-cation
fuck'n mil-pigs chew'n from rabid kakistocracy need to CHANGE FOR GOOD [orkNOT]
do u hate ALL sentient beings so much you love to consume 'em?
salvia divinorum [the LITTLE DEATH]
class a drug - because govern-mentis is SHIT scared of I.T. [butt luvs opiates on prescription]
every x i see a frugivore cunt that seriously believes they're "GOOD" [with dead sentient shite in DEM]
that's alot a hate 'n anger: You OK with that shrink'a?
>anxiety? despair?
i LAUGH AT THE TARDS' [chess-"game"] until they try to TOUCH moi: THEN EYE'n i eAT - with fuckingRELISH
ding ding?
I've hunted and killed b4 I REPENTED.
It's part of knowing the difference of HAVING but not BEing the Psychopath.
Q: Do you choose to consume sentient beings for taste "pleasure" alone?
SER-IOU-sly: DO U[?]
shikimic acid from fennel seeds is a good beginning
i'm trying - but kiddy fuckers and eugenicist carnsits make moi TOOFY
[G] masons with dirty kitchens (not AIl dem b dirty - like Jews and swiss … and many carnists try'n to repent)
devil liveD <:Pure destruction of WHAT IS NOT "required"
like being an organ doner on your driver license - harvested
mee too: don't stress - we're here to learn .
5 is tippity-tOP<:go with in your Chesterhedron - it's a Trion Re' and 7 (seven) spokes makith da Mobius FRACTAL
>Is this Dr. Fauci the beagle torturer
Yes IT is.
>python talked about this decades ago.
too true: Predictive Programming / NLP or jUSt 42?
can i b 25? [upto and including 25 me's thunk[?]]
vomoitCUNTfaggot' shit
most don't know WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO.
Tech. be like Whey advanced - and mil kill US with I.T.
butt no-thang on toxo plasmosis gondi [?] [and carnists' gut nematodes]
stupid fucks under anti-live gevern-mentis