>>15195800 pb
>third oldest lie?
the check is in the mail
i promise not to cum in your mouth
i love you
well, the only one it could bump out of the top 3 would be "check's in the mail."
TOP KEK! i love the shoop. made me actually lol.
>try Arizona's next governor Kari Lake
anyone who wears make-up should be barred from holding public office. psychotic mix of narcissism and insecurity.
looking at yourself in a mirror for hours every day is a sure sign of profound mental illness.
>>15195902 op
did i mention obsessive-compulsive need to follow the herd, and inability to think for self or assert individualism?
>I would enjoy seeing fauci with a cream pie to the face.
only if it were filled with broken glass, razor blades, and biting flies.
>So why didn't the mockingbird media try using that to destroy Drumpf?
excellent question.
IDKโฆ 'cause he's controlled opposition, and part of THEIR plan?
>The only way that makes sense
it makes sense if DJT was used to placate the patriots about to rise up and take back the country by armed insurrection.
2 more weeks for the plan
2 more weeks to flatten the curve
see any parallels?
>Bathing was considered evil.
it was considered unhealthy, the cause of sickness. medieval brits slathered their bodies with lard, rather than bathe.
>False hope / pacification op seems to be the only logical explanation.
and every day that goes by bringing another giant nothingburger is pretty damning confirmation.