>The Day Of The Rope Approaches Edition
I'm enthusiastic about the impending DOTR !
>hoards rope
>The Day Of The Rope Approaches Edition
I'm enthusiastic about the impending DOTR !
>hoards rope
>I've looked at GIMP
here is an online image editor (free) you may find useful:
>elephant about to get fisted.
your meme…
The MSM is MK Ultra, all pervasive incessant propaganda
Where I live, the media is pushing the lying trope that heart attacks in the vaccinated young people are caused by Post Covid Stress
And, strokes in small children is "normal"
Global warming is causing miscarriages and stillbirths…
And so the MSM propaganda and lies continue
I have a special hatred reserved for the MSM
>>15195594 PB/LB
This is a good sauce of info about the real perps behind Big Pharma and who is going to be the fall guy
worth watching
it doesn't help that the scaffolding is made out of flammable bamboo !
> that to destroy Drumpf?
it's possible Trump is just an actor in all this or he in fact works for the deep-state
I know that is upsetting for some to consider, but remember we are living in a clown-world where nothing can be trusted
controlled opposition and all that…….
low level shill