SPD (Germany's leading party) is being sponsored by Pfizer and Microsoft
The SPD's party congress which took place on 2021-12-11 was sponsored by a consortium of shady entreprises.
According to the SPD's guidelines, this is what sponsoring is all about:
>Sponsorship is a permissible form of party financing. Against the background of decreasing income and increasing expenditure, sponsorship is essential for us. We understand sponsorship as the offer of a promotional appearance to companies and associations. In return, we receive a financial benefit or a benefit in kind or service. Performance and consideration must be in an appropriate relationship to each other. (…) The presentation as an exhibitor is the most frequent form of sponsoring at the SPD. In particular, the exhibitor area is part of the overall image of a federal party conference. There, the party's branches, party-affiliated organisations and non-governmental organisations as well as associations and business enterprises present themselves. (…) The rent paid by exhibitors from the business sector and their associations helps to finance the federal party conference. (…) As a party, we are happy to engage in discussion. The purpose of the exhibitors' area is the exchange of information and arguments in personal discussions".
The sponsors represent different economic sectors: Housing and Real Estate Companies, Insurances, SPD owned media companies, German Post DHL, Deutsche Telekom, Banks…
But curious among the sponsors is the overrepresentaion of the energy and pharmaceutical sector, with Microsoft as the cherry on top.
I will post translations for the SPD's description of these sponsors, starting with pharmaceutical and medical companies:
>Pfizer Germany GmbH
Pfizer - Breakthroughs that change patients' lives
To ensure that people have access to therapies that extend and significantly improve their lives, Pfizer relies on science and leverages our global resources. Our ambition is to set the standard in the discovery, development and manufacture of innovative medicines and vaccines - in terms of their quality, safety and benefit to patients. Making a difference for everyone who relies on us is what we've been doing for more than 170 years.
Pfizer is headquartered in New York. In Germany, more than 2500 employees work at three locations: Berlin, Freiburg and Karlsruhe. The plant in Freiburg is a pioneer in sustainability and Industry 4.0.
>Die Arzneimittel-Importeure e.V. (Pharmaceutical Importers Association)
"Die Arzneimittel-Importeure" is an initiative of the German drug importers' associations BAI and VAD, which unite all the important representatives of the industry under one roof. We take a stand with one voice on issues in this important segment of the health care market.
Imported medicines are original preparations of the leading pharmaceutical manufacturers and just as safe - only cheaper. To this end, we take advantage of the price differences in the individual EU countries. The import of medicines is regulated by law. It relieves patients and health insurers of 4.8 billion euros per year.