Nothing to do with bats moishe.
"We passed another bill against wraycism, muslims, muslims, China genocide ….."
paraphrasing Nanshy
Fuck off ADL. Your days are numbered.
>The British gave Qatar and Pakistan access to GCHQ's tools so that they could identify everyone online who ever opposed al-Qaeda and ban them from the internet. This was an attack against the USA, ordered by the Crown, run through the Jeffrey Epstein and Rockefeller networks which are both British intelligence.
Big Tech Forms Terror Database For Right-Wing ‘Extremists’; PayPal And ADL Team Up To ‘Fight Hate’
Using hate deflection throughout history.
Dear newfags, fyi.
You can tell how wrong something is by how hard the clowns try and stick that shit to the wall.
Ty for that info anon.