Anonymous ID: 36bb6c Dec. 15, 2021, 11:30 a.m. No.15198145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8165 >>8228

Dan Andrews goes on leave after being ordered to front court for 'concealing treason and fraud' - as premier hopes the case just goes away


Daniel Andrews is accused of 'concealing an overt act of treason'

The matter has been listed with the Myrtleford Magistrates Court on Friday

Mr Andrews is charged with, but not limited to, concealing treason and fraud

The hearing will take place over video link due to ongoing Covid-19 concerns

Mr Andrews has refused to comment on the pending court hearing

He is currently on leave after spending a hard year imposing Covid lockdowns


Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has quietly ducked out of Melbourne after being summonsed to appear at court on charges of 'concealing treason'.

Anonymous ID: 36bb6c Dec. 15, 2021, 11:33 a.m. No.15198162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8185 >>8266

Yes daily mail blame Russia ignore Israel-Rothschild C_A Mossad GCHQ

Anonymous ID: 36bb6c Dec. 15, 2021, 11:37 a.m. No.15198179   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter To Punish Users Who Correctly Claim That Vaccinated Individuals Can Still Spread COVID-19


Twitter, which dubs itself the arbiter of medical misinformation through its constellation of conflicted 'fact-checkers,' will start imposing penalties on users who claim that vaccinated people can spread Covid-19…


…a claim made by none other than the US CDC Director, the NIH, Facui, and countless other officials.

Anonymous ID: 36bb6c Dec. 15, 2021, 11:40 a.m. No.15198196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8284

Taree, December 15th, 2021


Riccardo Bosi says the takedown of the Bolshevik Australian Government will commence in January and go thru to March with fresh election April/May


He calls out everyone Gov Mil Police Pharma pedos Churches Synagogues Mosques

Anonymous ID: 36bb6c Dec. 15, 2021, 11:52 a.m. No.15198250   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Releases 1,500 JFK Files, Still Over 10,000 Redacted Or Withheld 58 Years Later


Today the federal government released nearly 1,500 secret documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, leaving more than 10,000 files partially redacted or withheld.


The documents release today contain information given to the Warren Commission, information related to the Soviet Union and its agents in the United States, and personal documents from the family of Lee Harvey Oswald, the man fingered by the government as the lone gunman.


Read the full release on the National Archives website.


The release of the documents was mandated by Congress in 1992, however, the legislation included a provision that would allow the documents to continue to be withheld for years if the federal government should declare that the documents’ release could cause “identifiable harm.”


In fact, the Biden administration used this provision in October of this year.


As National File reported at the time, the Biden administration claimed that the national archivist needed more time to review the documents, and blamed COVID-19.


President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on Friday, November 22. Since the time of his death, many Americans have maintained that the official narrative regarding the 35th President’s assassination is false.


In 2017, a survey revealed that the majority of Americans specifically take issue with the claim that the shot that ended President Kennedy’s life was delivered by Lee Harvey Oswald, a single radicalized communist shooter who lived in the Soviet Union for a time.


According to a FiveThirtyEight-SurveyMonkey poll conducted in 2017, the majority of Americans – 61% – believe that more people than Oswald “were involved in a conspiracy” to assassinate President Kennedy. Only a third of Americans believe the government-approved narrative that Oswald assassinated the 35th President without outside help.

Anonymous ID: 36bb6c Dec. 15, 2021, 11:57 a.m. No.15198274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8301 >>8315

L.A. Schools Host LGBT Club For 4-Year-Olds, Promote ‘Two Spirit’ Sexuality And Child Mutilation


An LGBT club for kindergarteners, 'two-spirit' sexuality, and a radical leftwing understanding of sex were all promoted in the nation's second largest school district.


The Los Angeles Unified School District’s Office of Human Relations, Equity and Diversity hosted a 10-week online club for LGBT elementary schoolers, down to four-year-olds. It also prepared a series of presentations that promoted leftwing gender theory and deviant sexualities including the “Two Spirit” sexuality.


The club was called “Rainbow Club,” and met once a week for 10 weeks. It was advertised to students from preschool to fifth grade as a “virtual club for LGBTQ+ elementary school students, their friends, and their grown-ups.”(“TK” stands for transitional kindergarten, for children who are four years old, or preschool age.)


The club had its last meeting on November 3, and the advertisement notes the club will restart next semester. The office hosted two similar programs for middle school students and high school students, respectively, including one called the “Middle School Trans & Gender Non Binary Group.”


A different group organized through the LAUSD held a meeting where they hosted Bianca Salevetti, a nurse practitioner from the Children Hospital LA’s Trans Youth Health and Development Department. Salevetti discussed “medical transition and gender care.”


A spokesperson for the LAUSD told The Federalist, “The Rainbow Club is an online meeting for parents and their elementary school-aged children to meet, connect, and talk about topics related to their identities. The goal of the Rainbow Club is to support families of elementary aged children. The meeting is led by clinicians. Participants talk and do art projects.”


When asked why the district has decided to involve itself in the sexual identities of children as young as five years old and if children were required to be accompanied by a parent, the spokesperson refused to comment, responding, “We have nothing beyond the information sent earlier.”


A similar club, titled “Middle School Trans and Gender Non-Binary Group,” was offered for middle schoolers in the district as well.

Anonymous ID: 36bb6c Dec. 15, 2021, 12:39 p.m. No.15198453   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Can’t Make This Up: Vaccine Maker Moderna Pulls Out of J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference Due to COVID-19 Fears


You can’t make this up.


Some of the most significant names in biotechnology, including Moderna and Amgen have pulled out of the upcoming J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco due to COVID-19 concerns, according to an exclusive report from Stat News.


The J.P. Morgan 40th Annual Health Care Conference will take place on January 10-13, 2022 at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco, CA. According to its website, “this premier conference is the largest and most informative health care investment symposium in the industry which connects global industry leaders, emerging fast-growth companies, innovative technology creators and members of the investment community.”


J. P. Morgan has insisted executives should attend the conference in person. This rule raised concerns from prominent drug companies including Moderna due to safety and travel concerns related to the Covid-19. Moderna will only allow its executives to join the conference if it will be done virtually.




Stat News reported:


Some of the biggest names in biotechnology, including Amgen, Moderna, and Sarepta Therapeutics, have pulled out of the upcoming J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco due to safety and travel concerns related to the Covid-19 pandemic, according to people close to the companies. Additional biopharma companies are weighing whether to do the same.


Giving up a spot at J.P. Morgan — and potentially offending the powerful bank — is no small decision, but the prospect of participating in what could become a superspreader event has forced companies into difficult conversations.


Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, among the most influential companies in biotech, is “teetering” on pulling out of the conference, a spokesperson said. The company is giving J.P. Morgan until next week to allow for virtual presentations before deciding whether to back out entirely, according to Christine Lindenboom, Alnylam’s head of communications.


Vertex Pharmaceuticals is having a similar internal debate, according to a person close to the company.


Moderna has pulled out over the health risks of sending employees to the crowded hallways of J.P. Morgan’s cramped venue, the Westin St. Francis Hotel, according to a person close to the company. Like other biotech firms, Moderna would reconsider presenting at the conference if J.P. Morgan allowed its executives to attend virtually, the person said.


Amgen decided to withdraw for the same reason as Moderna, confirmed a source at the company.


Bowing to the pressure from big-name drug companies including Moderna, J.P. Morgan announced on Wednesday that it will hold its annual health care conference virtually.

Anonymous ID: 36bb6c Dec. 15, 2021, 12:42 p.m. No.15198464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8472 >>8481

MIT Doctor in UK House of Commons: “Not Safe for People Who Know the Origin of the Pandemic to Come Forward”


Speaking before the Science and Technology Select Committee of the British Parliament, Dr. Alina Chan, a specialist in gene therapy and cell engineering at MIT and Harvard, testified that the lab leak was now considered the most likely origin of the Covid pandemic, and that there is a possibility Covid-19 is an engineered virus.

“I think the lab origin is more likely than not”, Dr. Chan said, according to the Daily Telegraph. She noted that “right now it’s not safe for people who know about the origin of the pandemic to come forward. But we live in an era where there is so much information being stored that it will eventually come out.”

“We have heard from many top virologists that a genetically engineered origin is reasonable and that includes virologists who made modifications to the first Sars virus. We know this virus has a unique feature, called the furin cleavage site, and without this feature there is no way this would be causing this pandemic,” Chan said.


“A proposal was leaked showing that EcoHealth and the Wuhan Institute of Virology were developing a pipeline for inserting novel furin cleavage sites. So, you find these scientists who said in early 2018 ‘I’m going to put horns on horses’ and at the end of 2019 a unicorn turns up in Wuhan city.”

Anonymous ID: 36bb6c Dec. 15, 2021, 12:44 p.m. No.15198471   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Unnamed Chicago Teen Who Stabbed 15-Year-Old to Death Out on Probation


A teen who stabbed to death another teen in August 2020 has been sentenced to three years probation and 100 hours of community service in exchange for a guilty plea of second-degree murder.


A Cook County, Chicago, judge also ordered the now 17-year-old high school senior and his parents to get counseling.


While we know the name of the 15-year-old who died, Elias Valdez, Judge Steven Bernstein ordered the name of the perpetrator not be released.


The Daily Herald reported on the development:


Valdez was a rising sophomore at Glenbrook South High School and a member of the wrestling team. He was found in the grassy parkway on the 1200 block of Greenwood Road about 7 p.m. Aug. 5, 2020, with multiple stab wounds to his chest. He died later that night during surgery at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge. Police said it was the first murder in the village since 2004.


According to authorities, Valdez intended to buy marijuana from the defendant. After Valdez attempted to take the drugs without paying for them, the defendant chased him, authorities said. A struggle ensued during which Valdez ended up on top of the defendant, who reached for a utility tool that contained a blade, according to reports. Valdez was stabbed during a subsequent struggle.


Valdez’s family members wanted the defendant charged with first-degree murder and held in custody. Instead, he was charged with second-degree murder and held on home monitoring. Those orders sparked accusations of preferential treatment and led to protests at the Glenview Police Department and the Skokie courthouse in 2020.


Rev. Carl Guadagno read a victim impact statement in the courtroom from Valdez’s mother, Marcele Fierros, who described her life now as “living in a dark tunnel I’m not able to get through,” but she said her faith in God keeps her going.


“A mother doesn’t expect to bury a child so young and much less in such a tragic and overwhelming way,” Fierros wrote. “He was only 15 years old and had so many dreams to accomplish. His goals were to graduate from high school, study law enforcement and become a police officer.”


“When the defendant stabbed my son, he stabbed the heart of my family,” Fierros wrote.


Fierros referred to “white privilege” in her statement, implying the perpetrator is white, and said if a white person had been killed the outcome would have been different.


The lawyer for the defendant, however, denied that charge.


“There is no privilege here,” David Kerstein said. “There is no special treatment.”


“I see a child like you who has two parents concerned with his welfare … a bright kid with a bright future, and I wonder what are you doing in my courtroom,” Judge Bernstein said to the teen. “I don’t think you’re a murderer, but you killed this child and you have to live with that for the rest of your life.”


“You’ll never get closure,” Bernstein told the victim’s family. “I wish I could tell you you will. Your son will be in your heart forever.”


According to the Chicago Police Department’s weekly crime report for December 6 through December 12 overall crime was up 54 percent from this time last year.

Anonymous ID: 36bb6c Dec. 15, 2021, 12:46 p.m. No.15198483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8545

Biden Asks "What's The Big Deal?" About Vaccine Mandates; Says It's "Patriotic" To Take COVID Jabs


When asked about three U.S. courts blocking federal vaccine mandates recently, Joe Biden declared that the country is experiencing “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” adding that it is “patriotic” to take COVID shots, and stating that he doesn’t understand what the “big deal” is with people not wanting their freedoms imposed upon.


WHIOTV 7 reporter John Bedell told Biden “Your vaccine mandates have suffered some setbacks in court recently,” adding “Federal judges have halted three of those COVID vaccine mandates.”


“Are you going to back down or are you going to continue to fight those in court?” Bedell further asked.


“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated. That’s the problem,” Biden responded.


He further proclaimed:


“Everybody talks about freedom about not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about you make sure you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else.”


“What about that?” Biden continued, adding “What’s the big deal?”


It’s the second time in a week that Biden has described taking COVID vaccines as “patriotic”.


Appearing in an interview with Jimmy Fallon Friday, Biden said “this stuff about ‘Biden’s mandate, and these things happening, it’s un-American,’ look at it this way, it’s patriotic to get this done.”


“Not a joke. It’s patriotic to get it done,” he repeated.

Anonymous ID: 36bb6c Dec. 15, 2021, 1:29 p.m. No.15198688   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Governments Want Crackdown on Telegram App Used to Organize Anti-COVID Lockdown Protests.


In the past few days, German politicians have declared messaging app Telegram a threat to democracy and a hotbed of radicalization. The latest round of attacks on free communication comes after weeks of protests in Germany against the COVID-19 measures. Protests have been mobilized via Telegram and other online community platforms.


Since the beginning of December, the debate about the Telegram app has raged across the German media. Concurrent to the protests news stories – such as from the Tagesschau and Deutsche Welle – framed the platform as a hub for dangerous conspiracies, vaccine misinformation, and the driving force behind the “violent” protests.


This week, the interior minister of Thüringen, George Mair (Social Democrats), endorsed the idea of penalizing Telegram if they fail to remove “harmful” content. He even suggested geoblocking, which would disable the service from certain regions based on IP protocol.


Roland Wöller (Christian Democrat) said he expects more “radicalization” on Telegram if mandatory vaccination plans come into place in Germany. He advised punishing the company behind the app if criminal acts can be traced back to the service.


Officials are also calling for the deanonymization of users on the platform. In case German police open a criminal investigation, real names of the users should be delivered to authorities, Mr. Wöller suggested.


Telegram has also received sharp criticism from the Interior Minister of the new German government, Nancy Faeser, as she the declared fighting “right-wing extremism” as her top priority. She called for strict measures to combat online “hate speech and aggression” and aims to further investigate Telegram.


Finally, Marco Buschmann, member of the German Bundestag, said:


“… what is happening on Telegram, is not only disgusting and inappropriate, but also, in most cases, criminal. The law is clear on this. We have to think about all the possibilities… my wish is not to have a German way … but a European framework, which will allow us to fight against this hate.”


While, German journalists are framing the platform as a radicalization hub and danger to democracy, Telegram has become a powerful counter-force against the state COVID-19 narrative.

Anonymous ID: 36bb6c Dec. 15, 2021, 1:33 p.m. No.15198706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8717 >>8759

Notorious HelloKitty hackers tracked to unexpected country


In disclosing their files had been hacked by HelloKitty, an Oregon medical outfit let it slip that theFBI calls them “a Ukrainian hacking group,”the first such revelation about the previously mysterious miscreants.


The Oregon Anesthesiology Group (OAG) came under cyber attack in July, with the hackers gaining access to the information of 522 current and former employees and some 750,000 patients. The FBI has since seized a HelloKitty account that contained some of the files, the OAG said in a breach disclosure statement.


While the statement itself was made public on December 6, it was only noticed by the media on Wednesday, and only because it contained the revelation that the FBI considered the hackers Ukrainian.


According to the cybersecurity publication The Record, none of the previous alerts about the group, whether by US government organizations or private security firms, contained any hint about the gang’s location.


The HelloKitty ransomware, also known as FiveHands, was first noticed in January this year. Its most notable attack was against the Polish game developer CD Projekt Red – the studio behind ‘The Witcher’ series and ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ – in February.


In the note sent to OAG on October 21, the FBI said the hackers most likely exploited a vulnerability in the third-party firewall to gain access to the network. The ransomware attack reportedly forced OAG to restore their systems from backups and rebuild their entire infrastructure from scratch.


According to OAG, the hackers potentially made off with patient names, addresses, appointment dates, medical record numbers, insurance ID numbers, and diagnosis and procedure codes. They also potentially accessed current and former employee data, including names, addresses, Social Security numbers and tax information on file.

Anonymous ID: 36bb6c Dec. 15, 2021, 1:34 p.m. No.15198718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8731 >>8752 >>8789 >>8849

ADL tells Fox News to remove Soros cartoon


The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is up in arms over a Fox News cartoon depicting billionaire liberal financier George Soros as a “puppet master” controlling the Democratic Party. The group accused Fox of normalizing antisemitism.


A cartoon by A.F. Branco published on Tuesday by Fox News depicts Soros as controlling Democratic prosecutors who want to end cash bail and defund police departments. The cartoon angered the ADL, which called on Wednesday for Fox to pull it from the internet.


“As we have told @FoxNews numerous times, casting a Jewish individual as a puppet master who manipulates national events for malign purposes conjures up longstanding antisemitic tropes about Jewish power + contributes to the normalization of antisemitism,” the group posted on Twitter. “This needs to be removed.”


Whatever the overtones, the general thrust of the cartoon is factually correct. Soros is a longtime champion of liberal causes, and in the US, has contributed tens of millions of dollars toward the electoral campaigns of left-wing prosecutors. Some of these Soros-sponsored district attorneys (DAs) now head up prosecutions in cities such as Chicago, Philadelphia, and San Francisco.


In Chicago, Cook County DA Kim Foxx has called for police reform, and, in San Francisco, DA Chesa Boudin has publicly endorsed defunding the police. Other Soros-sponsored prosecutors have ended cash bail and reopened investigations into past police shootings.


The ADL has hounded Fox News before. Back in October, the group’s CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, wrote to Fox to complain about Tucker Carlson’s documentary series ‘Patriot Purge,’ claiming that Carlson’s defense of the pro-Trump protesters who stormed the US Capitol on January 6 could “catalyze violence, whether directed at the Jewish community or other minority groups.”